Hide drooping eyelids in 3 steps

There is no doubt that makeup is the best ally of women, especially for those who have droopy eyelids and want to give light and joy to the eyes.

The drooping or hooded eyelids have an excessively folded skin, from the bone of the forehead to the line of the eyelashes; It darkens them and makes you sleepy.

Many people have this form of eyes since birth, but this could also be the result of age.

The problem is that makeup techniques to conceal the drooping eyelid do not always work. The key is to learn to choose and use eye makeup that makes them look more open.

Say goodbye to the sad look!

1. Buy a pre-basic makeup

Prevents eye shadow from fading and will last longer. Choose the tone that best fits your skin.

2. Place the eyeliner on the lash line

It helps you to hide the swelling and gives the appearance of big eyes.

3. Apply the color on the crease

It is recommended to use smoky or neutral colors to give depth and light to your eyes, respectively.

Finally, do not forget to experiment, it’s one of the best things you can do. Identify your type of eyes and make them in different shapes and colors. With practice and mistakes, you will learn a lot.