10 personal development goals to set

Setting goals means giving yourself the opportunity to challenge yourself and evolve. To become a better version of yourself. This is all the more effective when it comes to personal development goals. I also think that there is something very encouraging in achieving a goal. It will motivate us to do more and it will stimulate our determination. I have set myself some personal development goals that I would like to share with you. To inspire you, give you ideas or others. And I also include some links to books that I really liked.

For the mind:

Read a book on personal development

I make sure to buy one every month that I will read quietly when I have time. Generally it is during transport time that I read the most. Every piece of advice and idea is likely to help us become a better version of ourselves . It is also a real source of inspiration. Sometimes you finish a book with a new frame of mind and new projects. The determination to change certain things and that is why I find them very useful.

Recommended reading: Like magic

Avoid screens after work

We are part of a generation which, if we listened to ourselves, would spend their entire days in front of a screen. And it’s a huge waste of time. Depending on our business, we are already dealing with computers all day, so we might as well put that aside once I get home.

Not only is it bad for the eyes but in addition there are a lot of things to do that do not involve a screen. It’s time to develop a new activity . Something that you enjoy doing but that you have stopped due to lack of time. Draw? To write ? Read? Play an instrument ?

Keep a diary

Keeping a journal can be done in different ways. You can for example use it to write down what is happening every day in your life . How you feel etc. Or, you can use a journal to express your gratitude and gratitude . This is something that allows you to focus on the positive and avoid thinking of the negative. Or what you lack.

I discovered the Five Minute Journal because I am Mimi Ikonn on Instagram (one of the founders of this little newspaper). And I found the idea absolutely brilliant. Spending 5 minutes each day writing what makes us happy allows us to cultivate a real positivism. And I noticed that it was also the way to realize what we have. Because we tend to think that everything around us is normal when ultimately it is not.

Recommended newspapers: Gratitude book in 5 minutes per day or The Five Minute Journal

Get rid of the useless

Tidying up your apartment / office / bedroom and sorting will allow you to see more clearly. You may not know it, but the whole mess around you affects your mind. Because unconsciously, decluttering your space is decluttering your mind .

I read the book La Magie du Rangement following an article by my friend Marine from the Deuxaimes blog and I really appreciated it. We learn why it is important to get rid of everything that is physically cumbersome and how it can have an impact mentally. In short, an essential book for people who accumulate!

Recommended reading: The Magic of Storage

Learn something new

Whether it’s learning a new recipe, learning a skill like biking, or dancing. Learn a new language … There are a multitude of things you can do to stimulate your mind and creativity.

Enjoy the moment

No multitasking, no projection just a moment when you appreciate the current situation. A moment when you stop thinking too much, when you let go. There is beauty in every moment, you just have to appreciate it. To learn to draw only the positive from a situation.

Recommended reading: The power of the present moment

For the body :

Try a challenge

On the internet you can find challenges of all kinds. Whether to change your physique or your mind. So do not hesitate to embark on a 30-day challenge to be happier, for example. Or a 30 day yoga challenge.

What matters is that you embark on something that will be good for you. And for your health. And the fact of doing it via a challenge allows you to be more determined. Do not give up since we have a count of the remaining days.

Give your body what it needs

Your body needs fiber, water and protein. Give him what he needs. Drink a lot of water. Eat foods rich in iron to strengthen your hair and nails etc. Our body is what accompanies us all our lives so we might as well make it as healthy as possible right?

In addition, it will have an impact on your energy and the way you feel. The more you take care of your body, the stronger you feel.

Recommended reading: The discreet charm of the intestine

Create routines

Whether it is a morning routine and / or an evening routine. Having your little rituals and your little habits is something that will allow you not to be stressed. And not to forget anything.

So you need to establish something that works for you and is effective on a daily basis. When you establish your routine also make sure that it is related to your plans and objectives.

Boost self-confidence

And take care of his body. That is to say enjoy a good bath, cook your favorite dish, get a massage … There are different ways to please yourself that will make you feel better. Think of yourself, your skin, everything that can help you boost your self-confidence and do it.

Recommended reading: Believe in yourself: The Key to a happy life