Boost your energy despite laziness and fatigue

I do not know you, but for a few weeks before the holidays I’m always halfway between being fed up with the excitement of being able to bask in the sun doing nothing. So motivation questions to work and energy to move is not always that …

Except that I do not have a choice: you have to work hard. So I looked for solutions to boost his energy despite the fatigue and the terribly long wait that separates me from the holidays.

Because in 6 weeks all stack I will finally be on vacation (my first real vacation for a year!) After a month of June that will be more than stressful and I already dread enormously … I can absolutely not allow me to being (too) tired and I will have to boost my energy and my motivation while waiting for this fatigue to take me in the deck chair …

In short, all that to say that I found some tips and tricks to have energy and as I know that a drop of energy even happens to the best, I wanted to share these tips for you too you can say goodbye to the lack of energy!

Boost your energy with a “positive energy” routine

To have energy and not get carried away by fatigue or laziness, it is important to have a “positive energy” routine, a kind of well-being ritual that motivates us to get up, make us feel good. and allows us to fight against a lack of desire. It can be a morning routine, an evening routine, even why not lunch! It all depends on what motivates you and gives you energy. For my part I have a morning routine based on reading, yoga (on my beautiful carpet of love ), positive thoughts, etc. and that’s really what gives me a boost for the day!

I also include in this positive energy routine the fact of doing sports and eating healthy. I try as much as possible to prepare my meals myself. For example, I tested sweet potato flour in my pancakes (recipe below) and it feels good to change! I also got used to putting nettle powder on my salads. On the sport side, I make sure to go to the gym 3 times a week, because it empties my mind and always gives me a good dose of energy.

Besides, if you want to try my pancake roll with sweet potato flour, here is the recipe;

1 egg
1 banana (or 100g of compote)
1 tsp of honey
15 g of vegetable milk or not
20 g of sweet potato flour + 30 g of wheat flour
1 teaspoon of yeast + 1 pinch of fine salt

Mix the liquid and dry ingredients separately and mix everything in a bowl! To cook them put oil in a pan over medium heat and wait until it is hot before starting. Enjoy your meal!

Surround yourself with energizing and motivating inspirations

When you accumulate a lot of projects, you have to have both energies but also to stay motivated and inspired to achieve them. It is therefore essential to surround yourself with invigorating inspirations that give us new ideas but also the desire to hang on to achieve them!

I talked about it in my last live Instagram, but there are three main things that inspire me every day. Firstly, podcasts: whether they are dedicated to well-being, more entrepreneurial or personal development, I’m crazy about it! I listen to them mainly during my sports sessions and they always give me lots of ideas. Then I also boost my energy and my inspiration by going to walk, to observe the world, the people, nature … These moments of calm and introspection are natural anti-fatigue and real boxes of ideas! To finish I also like to dream and inspire myself in front of magazines, books or blogs. I think especially of the book As if by magic that I read and read again and again so much I love it.

Boost your energy naturally

For a long time, I was skeptical about dietary supplements to fight against fatigue and have energy. But by looking at the issue, reading books (including this one that is very complete) and talking with naturopaths, I realized that it is sometimes useful in case of energy decline but that you must not abuse it either.

In this period of stress and fatigue, I told myself that it was the right moment to boost my energy naturally and accepted the proposal of Nutripure to test some of their anti-fatigue natural food supplements. It is, therefore, a little while that I “dope” (this is a joke) to their multivitamins that provide 21 vitamins and 5 trace elements, enough to fight against fatigue and stress in the blink of an eye! I also take Ashwagandha (do not ask me to pronounce it on the other hand) which allows to relax and help during periods of intellectual and nervous tension, which is precisely my case!

To take care of my belly, regulate my blood sugar and improve my digestion I also take pure biotic and fenugreek capsules. I told you about it in the article on the link between food and emotions but I have some problems with digestion … so these supplements help me a lot!

And since I need all my capacities, I added to that the Rhodolia + Rosae which brings an emotional balance and allows to release the pressure in case of stress as well as the borage oil, filled with good fats which improve cognitive abilities and allows for a good omega 6 – omega 3 ratio!

To have energy thanks to the daily happiness

Finally, what allows me to boost my energy when I’m tired is … to be positive and focus on the beautiful things in life! I told you about it in my article on how to see life on the bright side but focusing on the joys of everyday life and feeling gratitude helps to find the strength to get up each day with enthusiasm and motivation.

In addition to living the moment, you can also remember that each day brings you closer to the goal and in the end, you will be even to have waited so long! It is also good to visualize the well-being that you will feel once this period of stress and fatigue has passed. For my part I take the time each morning to visualize myself in my garden or by the sea, I imagine the sensations that it gives me and it always gives me a boost!