How to get rid of fatigue and exhaustion

Fatigue and exhaustion

Fatigue is a very common complaint. It is important to know that an event is a symptom of a health problem and not a disease in itself. Many diseases can cause fatigue and fatigue. It can be physical, psychological or a combination of both. The symptoms of fatigue appear gradually. It is, therefore, possible that the patient is not attentive to the amount of energy he has lost until he tries to compare his ability to perform tasks from time to time. Then, he can assume that fatigue is due to aging and ignore the symptoms.

Delays access to care, In general, all people feel exhausted and tired from time to time, and these cases of fatigue and temporary fatigue usually result from a particular reason and therefore have a suitable solution.

In addition, there are cases of fatigue and fatigue that last longer and do not improve with comfort, so that fatigue is persistent, develops and increases over time, causing a lack of energy and a lack of energy. inability to concentrate, also affecting emotional and mental health.

Ways to get rid of fatigue and fatigue

We mentioned that fatigue and fatigue are common, especially after middle age, and fortunately there are many simple ways to improve energy in the body, and some of these can also help to slow down the energy. aging process, including:

Increased movement:

Although exercise is the last thing a tired person would like to do, many recent studies have shown that exercise helps to stimulate the energy of individuals. Physical activity increases vitality and improves quality of life. They have more confidence in themselves and physical activity also improves the efficiency of the heart, lungs, and muscles.

Yoga practice:

While any exercise is good, yoga, in particular, is very effective at increasing physical energy, with some studies suggesting that people who practiced yoga once a week for 6 weeks reported a significant improvement in serenity. Other studies have shown the importance and usefulness of yoga for people aged 65 to 85, as it has increased their energy and comfort.
Drinking a lot of water: dehydration reduces energy and weakens physical performance. Research has shown that dehydration makes it difficult for athletes to perform weight training exercises. Dehydration also reduces alertness, decreases attention and allows To see if If you drink enough water, you should look at the color of the urine. You should have a pale yellow color or straw. If it is darker, it is recommended to drink more water.

Go to bed early:

Lack of sleep increases the risk of an accident and is one of the main causes of fatigue during the day. The best solution is to go to bed early to get enough sleep at night.

Eat fish:

Omega-3 oils have a positive effect on heart health and increase alertness: according to studies, taking fish oil supplements for 21 days would have caused a quicker mental reaction in people who ate them and were more active.

Eat small meals frequently:

It may be beneficial for some people to take small meals frequently during the day, which can help stabilize the blood sugar level.

Exclude health problems:

Indeed, fatigue is a symptom of many diseases, as mentioned above, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, thyroid diseases, and sleep apnea. Fatigue is unusual and many drugs leading to fatigue, such as diuretics, as well as antihistamines (English: Antihistamines); , Chewable tablets, capsules or fluids, so hairy After you start taking a new medicine, discuss your symptoms immediately with your doctor.

Take a driving break:

It is at this point that the person driving the vehicle experiences symptoms such as yawning, not remembering the few kilometers that have been traveled, spoiling the passage, getting off the road or having trouble staying focused.

Other :

Such as: avoid a work schedule that requires a lot of effort, and stay away from factors and conditions that cause stress.

Causes of fatigue and exhaustion

Causes of general physical fatigue and fatigue include:

  • Psychological causes: They are more common than physical causes and include stress, emotional trauma, depression, and anxiety.
  • Lifestyle reasons: such as caffeinated drinks, night work or nap during the day.
  • Physical Causes: As mentioned above, fatigue is caused by many problems such as anemia, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, pregnancy, obesity, liver disease, kidney disease, Cushing’s disease, heart disease, cancer, lupus.