What to do when you do not know which way to go? 3 steps to follow

Which way to take? Finding our way, the one in which we totally flourish is our most cherished dream. However, many of us are stuck, because we do not always know what direction to take. Yes, we doubt. Indeed, there are too many issues: our happiness in particular. What to do when you do not know which way to go?

Today, we find ourselves around this question “What to do when we do not know which path to take? “

Life has many ways to offer you and with this article, I want to share with you everything you need to know which way to go.

First of all, why do we have doubts about our way to go? 

What prevents us from taking the path that pleases us most at the moment? 

# The look of others

The eyes of others are not always benevolent, especially that of our family. People under the guise of wanting our property to paralyze us with their eyes and their criticisms.

To reassure our family, we would have to find THE way the first time and succeed at first. Unfortunately, in life nothing is perfect, life itself is not perfect.

And, it is not because we have thought hours, days, weeks in our project that everything will happen as planned. Not at all.

What to do when you do not know which way to go? Let’s detach ourselves from the weight of others’ eyes. Do not let them scare us into thinking we have to succeed right away.

Of course, we can understand our parents’ fear of seeing us fail or sleep under the bridge, but we do not have to stop doing what we think is good for us.

# Want everything right now

It’s normal to be scared when we consider taking a path that we have never taken. However, fear should not stop us. Yes, we can be scared and still act with courage. 

It scares us to embark on a path we do not know. We ask ourselves: Will I love what I am going to do? Will I succeed? Will I be able to live? Is it a GOOD way?

Today, we want everything and immediately. Worse, we want to have certainties before even trying things.

How did we get here? How can we believe that we must succeed the first time? No, life is made of trials, detours and changes. 

Nowadays, anything that is not a frank success is considered a failure. And if we changed this belief that prevents us from living?

What to do when you do not know which way to go? Let’s be afraid, but let’s move on! Do not wait to be certain, let’s try! 

What to do when you do not know which way to go? 3 steps to follow

Step # 1 – Experiment, test, advance

For me, the first step in knowing which way to go is to make a choice.

We can love many things, but at some point, we have to choose one thing and focus on it! Yes, we can not do everything at the same time. So, let’s start somewhere.

I hear the “Yes, but …”. Yes, but if I’m wrong. Yes, but if I really like this other way too …

Making a choice is not necessarily definitive, but at least it has the advantage of advancing us. 

In fact, we must understand that we are on Earth, not to succeed, but to test, experiment and move forward. 

Forget the checkbox called “Success”. We do not care about that. The most important thing is that you can experience all the paths you have to experiment. Do not lock yourself in Worse, do not stand still for fear of making the wrong choice.

“You do not exist to impress the world. You exist to live your life in a way that makes you happy. “

Repeat this sentence again and again. Tell yourself that you are here to experiment and move forward, not to succeed. Give yourself some time. And, make a choice, make your choice!

If it turns out that the path you chose does not match you or more, change! 

There is this phrase that I love that says:

“If you do not like where you are, move, you are not a tree. “ 

What to do when you do not know which way to go? Let’s make the choice to experiment and move forward, simply. 

Step # 2 – Listen to your heart

“We have the mission to be happy and our heart is our best ally”

It is Deepak Chopra who wrote this beautiful phrase in her book “Path to Wisdom”.

Yes, our goal on Earth is to be happy. It’s not about being the best, about becoming what our parents wanted us to be, about living a comfortable life safe from fear. No, our goal is to feel joy, to feel the vibrations of our heart and to have a wonderful smile that accompanies us everywhere.

I have received testimonials from people who tell me that they do not know which way to go. That they have been thinking for months, but no answer seems to come.

To that, I answer:

“The mind thinks. The heart knows him because he feels. “

After having made the choice to experiment and to advance, here is the second step: Rather than question our head to know which way to take, connect us to our heart : 

  • Do I like what I do?
  • What makes me jump for joy?
  • What is important to me?
  • If I had no limit, if I had all the diplomas, all the skills and all the necessary money, what would I do?

I know we live in a world where material matters. All of us need to have the certainty of having a roof over our head and food in the fridge. I understand that. But, all this must not lead us to make definitive choices that do not make us vibrate with joy! Take care of yourself now, but do not forget to build your future. 

“We need as much to live as to live. » Raphaëlle Giordano

What to do when you do not know which way to go? Listen to your heart!

Step # 3 – Surround yourself

The third step is to understand that we are part of the human family. We are both unique and similar. In fact, the path you will take, there is at least one other person on Earth who took it, who is taking it or who is going to take it. You’re not alone!

We need to move forward to be happy. But, we need to move forward, accompanied. Yes, having good relationships with others makes us happy.

Also, take advantage of this path to take to surround yourself with people who have the same desires, the same goals and the same values ​​as you.

Look for them wherever you go, on the internet, but also in books.

Research their tips and stories. Learn from their experience and help them with yours. 

It seems that only we go faster. I do not believe it. It also seems that to many we go further, and with that, I fully agree. 

Do not hesitate to look for the support of caring and trustworthy people. It’s important to be able to talk about your feelings. Because, yes, you will choose which way to take, but this way will not be of any rest. You will experiment with new things and everything will not happen as planned. You will need advice and especially comfort and big bursts of laughter on weekends to get fresh ideas.

I have a little phrase that you can repeat yourself every time everything does not go as planned: 

“Whatever happens, I’ll be fine. “

What to do when you do not know which way to go? To surround yourself well at the same time to have good advices to advance serenely, but also to have friends who will give us the smile and the courage to continue advancing.