11 signs you gave your love to the wrong person, what to do

How do you know if you are with the wrong person? If you feel that you are missing something, if you do not feel free to be yourself, etc. Here are the signs that you gave your love to the wrong person . Observe your time, your emotions, your body and especially your heart, how do they feel?

Your life is too precious and short to waste time with emotions that do not make you feel full and full of joy. Don’t waste time with people who don’t deserve you as a couple. But above all, take responsibility for your decisions and do not close your eyes to what you feel as a woman.

Let’s look at the signs that tell you that you are with the wrong person. Keep in mind that a healthy relationship is about giving and giving all the time. A good love relationship is 100% of the time and not just when you feel like it. You are or are not engaged.

When you are alone, your happiness is turned off, you do not feel that you have something with that man

It is very easy to pretend a relationship but we cannot deny what we truly feel. Many women accept a relationship just because they don’t see themselves alone, because they have something, or because they don’t get bored. Sometimes family and friends push for you to have a partner and you make the wrong decision.

If you are comfortable, maybe you gave your love in the wrong way, and that sadness when you are alone is one of the signs. Wanting the wrong person is a sign of emotional dependency. But if you are only wrong, you can be honest with yourself and with that person, always with love for yourself.

Signs that you gave your love in the wrong way: You feel the feeling that something is missing


Sometimes you fall in love with the wrong person because you don’t know him well and we allow ourselves to be guided by our expectations. But when you have that constant, stinging feeling that something is wrong, something is wrong. You need to reflect on what is wrong in your life: work, family, weather, food or is it him?

It may not be easy to realize that your partner is robbing you of energy. But if he doesn’t respect your time, if he only shows up when he needs you, if you don’t enjoy spending time with him, he’s not the right love. Take your time to reflect on every detail of your relationship, staying alone can be more fun.

You seem to have a good partner, but emotionally you feel drained


A good relationship with a partner multiplies your happiness, your freedom and your possibilities for personal and professional progress. But if you feel that your life is complicated, if your soul overwhelms you, it is an indicator that something is wrong. Observe the joy you have of showing off to your partner. If there is it is good, if there is not it is toxic.

One of the signs of a toxic relationship is emotional exhaustion, you gave your love to the wrong person. You don’t feel inspired, rather sad. Nor does it motivate or revitalize your soul, rather you feel without energy. A relationship must be full of vitality.

He does not take you into account in his future and you have already stopped getting excited as before


This is another of the signs that you are with the wrong person. It may be that when they are together they have an incredible time in bed. Let’s even admit that they love each other in a certain way, but he has very different plans for his future than you do. He does not think of a home with you, not even traveling together.

When you are with the wrong person you just live in the moment, then it is as if it does not exist. There are no illusions or if there is, nothing feeds it. He is a good man, but he does not want anything formal. What can you do? Keep him as a friend and look for someone to ignite your ideals.

Signs that you gave love in the wrong way: You spend more time crying than laughing


In a good relationship there are also good days and bad days. The healthy relationships are strengthened by solving their problems. But if the relationship has more bad days than good days, something is not right. It is sad to fall in love with the wrong person, but it happens very often.

It is not bad to fall in love with the wrong person, what is bad is not to get out of that relationship. Getting out of a wrong relationship will strengthen you, it will make you wiser to choose your next relationship. A good relationship does not need sacrifices of tears, but sacrifices of providing solutions.

Loving the wrong person can cause you to withdraw from your family and friends


If your family and friends try to avoid your partner, it can mean two things: That they are envious of you or that they see something wrong with your partner. In this case, to assess whether you gave your love in the wrong way, you have to see the other signs. Also reflect on whether your family has always sought the best for you.

Remember that many times love makes us blind and we are the last to find out about something wrong. It’s ugly to fall in love with the wrong person and be the last to know. What can you do? Improve your self-esteem and do the accounts on a paper with facts.

Your relationship is one-way and you don’t feel valued for how much you do

One of the signs that you gave your love to the wrong person is when you are the one doing everything to make it work. You are the one who calls him, the one who looks for him, the one with the details, the one who waits and encourages him to leave. If your partner does not correspond to you and does not value you, it means that he does not love you as you think.

In a good relationship, love must go both ways. And the signs that you’re with the wrong person don’t necessarily have to be dramatic. But if your priority is your relationship and despite the fact that you put all your love you feel frustrated, it means that he is not putting his due.

A love triangle means signs that you gave your love in the wrong way

Constantly thinking of another man means that you gave your love to the wrong person. Infidelity begins with thoughts and emotions. Partnering with the wrong person does not always mean that that person is a disaster, many times you are.

Many women are with a man just out of spite. They want to show their ex that they have someone who loves them, but deep down they don’t feel good. Another case of love triangle is when your partner constantly talks to you about a girl and you don’t seem to care.

You already realized that you do not love that man but you feel sorry for ending the relationship

This is one of the most common signs that you gave your love and time to the wrong person. Getting excited about someone and forming a couple is not bad, it is part of our learning to learn to manage our emotions and feelings. But you have to be clear, honest, and consistent. Learn to say in a good way that you no longer love him, do not do what you do not want to be done.

You feel that with your partner there are many gaps, you feel that you exhaust yourself and isolate yourself too much

For a while you have felt that he no longer has the same spark as before and now you are the one who takes the initiative. Going out, talking, having physical contact, a kiss, greetings and other details are always your initiative. He shows off and all of this wears you out. On the other hand, you give up a lot of things to make the relationship work. These are surely signs that you gave your love to the wrong person.

Your relationship is not the best you have had and at some point he told you that he did not love you

Why do you fall in love with the wrong person? A better question would be, what for…? To realize that we idealize people a lot and we need to learn to better manage our expectations and emotions. That is, if we learn the lesson, each new relationship should make us feel better. If you are not surpassing yourself, obviously, you must repeat the lesson.

In short, making mistakes and failing in love is part of life. But holding on to the wrong person means not wanting to learn the lesson. Achieving a healthy relationship is only possible when we surpass ourselves, not when we have the best person.

11 signs you gave your love to the wrong person, what to do

1. When you are alone, your happiness is turned off, you do not feel that you have something with that man
2. Signs that you gave your love in the wrong way: You feel the feeling that something is missing
3. Apparently you have a good partner, but emotionally you feel exhausted
4. He does not take you into account in his future and you, too, have already stopped getting excited as before
5. Signs that you gave love in the wrong way: You spend more time crying than laughing
6. Loving the wrong person can make you leave your family and friendships
7. Your relationship is one-way and you don’t feel valued for how much you do
8. A love triangle means signs that you gave your love in the wrong way
9. You already realized that you do not love that man but you
feel sorry for ending the relationship 10. You feel that with your partner there are many gaps, you feel that you exhaust yourself and isolate yourself too much
11. Your relationship is not the best you have had and at some point he told you that he did not love you