11 mistakes single people make when looking for a relationship

When a person has been single for some time, they may begin to feel the need to share their life experiences with someone else.

This void is filled by friends to a certain extent, but there are some situations that can only be achieved when they occur within a relationship.

In the eagerness to share moments of joy, fun and also sadness with someone else, some mistakes are usually made that instead of getting closer to the long-awaited couple end up separating you.

This is where you end up distancing yourself from the possible opportunities that come your way in love life.

As hard as it may seem, everyone gets what they sow and what they constantly think about.

If you are single despite all your efforts to change the situation, we recommend reading this article that will surely change your way of thinking.


1. Dismiss the ability to search for appointments online

On the web you can get many applications to find a partner, and although not everyone has the best luck in their quest to find love in this way, it is an option that should not be discarded.

If you have previously participated in some online dating and have not obtained positive results, it does not mean that you should give up trying again.

You can always get smart, interesting and different people at every opportunity.

2. Dating people you don’t care about

Going out with someone else just because your friends made a date for you is not enough to force you to spend a couple of hours with a stranger.

If their interests go in opposite directions, they will get nowhere.

And if they do, it will be for not disappointing your friends in their efforts to see you share with someone else.

3. Look back

Loneliness is not a good counselor. If you are about to return with an ex solely because of the fear of loneliness, even though the relationship was toxic or uncomfortable at the time, you will be on the road to making the same mistake twice.

Therefore, it will not do any good to try to return to the path already traveled just to feel accompanied by someone.

There are many single people in the world to return with someone who in one way or another did not complement you.

4. Wait for the fairy tale

If you are waiting for that special Hollywood movie or fairy tale style moment to truly fall in love, you may be waiting for a long time.

So do not look for signs where there are none, stop imagining that the neighbor is watching you with loving eyes, or that your best friend is being more gentle than normal.

It may just be in your imagination and, while you wait for those great signs, you miss out on opportunities with people who might be interested in sharing their life with you.

5. Disclose any new relationship before it is stable

You finally started a relationship, and the first thing you do is spread it on all your social networks and present it with all your friends.

A month later they end, and you are like the person who failed again.

Avoid openly disclosing that you are with someone, until you are sure that it is a formal and committed relationship.

6. Go to bed with your friends

This is a mistake that some people make in the search for a good time of pleasure, but it brings more negative than positive consequences.

If someone confuses the situation, feels guilty or begins to fall in love, then it will lead to the end of friendship, jealousy and unnecessary claims.

7. Expect to find love at every outing

When you go out, do it for fun, not as an opportunity to flirt with someone, much less to fall in love.

People who go to bars just want to have a good time and return the next day to their daily lives. If you always hope that every outing turns into the moment when you find a new partner, you will put a lot of pressure on yourself and you could be disappointed by not finding one every night.

8. Put aside your interests for the other

You have your own interests, you have planned your own activities, but someone who interests you calls you and tells you that they can only see you on the day you had your commitments.

Are you going to leave everything for that person? You do not need to step aside out of desperation, you have no guarantee that that person will be by your side, or that they will appreciate what you did.

Establish what priorities you have and comply with yourself first before trying to satisfy the interests of others.

If he really has feelings for you, he will understand your commitments and will postpone leaving for when both of you can share without pressure.

9. They don’t take advice

Pay attention to the advice and life situations that your friends and acquaintances have gone through. Much of what you have had to experience in your previous relationships can be repeated if you do not internalize that you must change your previous behaviors.

Friends are experts at acknowledging every flaw in your relationships and exposing them to you openly. This way you will understand what have been the weaknesses of each of your partners and of course yours.

The idea of ​​this is to reconsider and put a stop to any indication of a toxic relationship that may arise a priori, so you will not fall back into codependency, frustration, or guilt.

10. You become what you criticize

Out of boredom or fear of loneliness it is possible that you fall into quite deplorable behaviors, such as going out with someone who does not interest you at all just because their friends are wealthy, because they have their own vehicle, or they give you things that you like.

Do not become an interested person who uses others, this will only speak badly of you and you will look like a hypocrite.

You will get people who know you away because of your attitude. As well as possibly hurting the feelings of the person you approached for the wrong reasons.

11. Label others

If you really want to achieve love, do not label the people you meet by the way they speak, dress, or their level of education.

Everyone is as they are. It is not the suit that makes the monk, allow yourself to treat people for what they are worth as human beings, not for how they look or for what they lack or surplus economically.

Love comes when you least expect it, do not despair, do not get frustrated, or rush.

Analyze your mistakes and overcome them. We are sure that you will be able to enjoy healthy and lasting relationships in which you will feel fully.

Do not forget to comment on this article and share it on your social networks so that more people like you can be aware of these mistakes and not make them again.