12 things to consider about your new boyfriend for your emotional health

You finally got the boy you like to ask you to be his girlfriend. Now there are some things to take into account about your new boyfriend. Does he really like you like he says? And if he told you that he loves you, is it true? What about your past lives, your dreams? Will it really be loving?

A new boyfriend will be totally different from the previous ones. Will it have the qualities you want? What kind of life do you want to have with this new boyfriend? Will it be a good adventure companion? It is very important to reflect, but it is important to differentiate what you can control and what you cannot.

Let’s see the things you should take into account with your new commitment, because what is important is your emotional health.

1.- Your new love at the beginning may not be so affectionate due to lack of confidence

In the beginning with your new boy everything will be discovery, getting to know each other and adjusting your time, work and hobbies to his. He won’t even know how to kiss or pamper you. At the beginning he will dedicate himself to knowing you.

If you hardly know each other as lovers, it is normal that they do not know what and how much they can trust you. He may want to joke or tell you that he won’t hurt you and just wait for the right moment and the right emotion.

2.- Your new boyfriend may not be able to give you the explanations you need


Maybe you want to know what his previous girlfriend was like or why they broke up and he’s not ready to talk about those things. It is possible that for many of your concerns it is not ready.

For example, would you like to know, what does he love me for, does he really love me, promise not to hurt me, etc. There are many couple things that require time, security and confidence to express.

3.- Your new love does not need a controlling or jealous girl


The most important thing in a relationship is respect. Therefore, one of the things to take into account with your new boyfriend is not to make the same mistakes as in your previous relationships.

Not by controlling or guarding him do you show him that you love him more. Also your happiness does not depend on what he does. Your new boyfriend doesn’t have to meet your rules to show you that he loves you.

4.- Your new boy may not have as much time as you want


If he works or studies, those things may be one of his top priorities. I am not saying that he does not take you into account or that you are the most important person for him, only that at first it may cost him.

If he is a responsible man, he will not postpone his priorities, but he will find time to be with you. But he may not have as much time as you. At least they’ll call you and they’ll chat.

5.- It may be that your new commitment is not ready to be friends with your friends


There are things like being friends with your friends that your new boyfriend can have a hard time assimilating. I don’t pretend he’s antisocial, just not all men are so open to new friends.

It may be that your new sweetie is cutting or dry with your friends. Give it time, don’t force it to open up so soon. As soon as you notice any resistance, take it with you away from them.

6.- You may feel that he is the man you want to see in your future, but it is too soon


Wonderful to meet the love of your life, but what does your new boyfriend think about it? This is a very sensitive subject for a man. For them, committing for life is not such a quick process.

It can be wonderful for a woman if a man promises to love her for life. But not all men are ready to process those decisions as soon as a new relationship begins.

7.- It is possible that someone will tell you that your new love is a womanizer and …


It cannot be, not again, you want to get out of this life of long-suffering love and you fall again with a womanizer. You can’t shut up and ask him, is it true, do you like to collect women?

I can’t cover it up, people know, I’ve had many adventures. More than one girl has suffered. I have suffered too, I don’t regret anything. But this is a new story and I want it to be different.

8.- The most important thing is your emotional health, not the way you dress or your tastes

It is very good that you pay attention to their tastes, ways of dressing and their friends, but it is their life, refrain from giving negative opinions. You may not like some detail of his life after knowing him more.

But just as you have your life to your liking, his life is one of those things to take into account of your new boyfriend and respect. He may like music, movies, or food that you don’t like, but just be nice.

9.- See what your new love affair partner likes to talk about

There are men who like to chat about everything, but others not so much. Some men prefer to talk about themselves, what they do, or their work. Sometimes a new boyfriend is not very empathetic.

Talking, communicating … is one of the best things you should take into account with your new boyfriend. See if he likes to have talks of all kinds but focus on respecting what he likes the most.

10.- Not because it is a new relationship, pay more attention when I talk to you than to your cell phone

When you are with the love of your life, respect the moment. If you pay more attention to your cell phone or he does, believe me, there is no future for that relationship. Well, love is built with moments.

The cell phone is very addictive, but it is responsible for the breakdown of many relationships. If you just want something temporary, go ahead with addictions, but if you want something lasting, respect yourself.

11.- It is possible that your new love, at first, does not say “I love you” as much as you want

For many men saying “I love you” is complicated and that is good. If your new boyfriend doesn’t say “I love you” it can be very good. Perhaps I have a lot of respect for this word.

Many men don’t say “I love you” as soon as some girls want to. But they say it when they really mean it. See if he is saying “I love you” without words, with his attitude.

12.- If your new adventure partner confesses a secret to you, do not tell anyone

Keep in mind that your new boyfriend may want to earn your trust as soon as possible. As proof of this he may confess a secret to you. It can be a silly thing, a child’s thing, but still respect it.

We all have secrets, things we do not wish against anyone unless there is someone very special. If your new love tells you something private, he is telling you how much he expects of you.

Bottom line … the things you need to consider with your new commitment are important to your emotional health.

12 things to consider about your new boyfriend for your emotional health

1.- Your new love at the beginning may not be so affectionate due to lack of confidence
2.- Your new boyfriend may not be able to give you the explanations you need
3.- Your new love does not need a controlling or jealous girl
4.- It is possible that your new boy does not have as much time as you want
5.- It may be that your new commitment is not ready to be friends with your friends
6.- You may feel that he is the man you want to see in your future, but it is too soon
7.- It is possible that someone will tell you that your new love is a womanizer and…
8.- The most important thing is your emotional health, not the way they dress or their tastes
9.- Observe what your new partner likes to talk about. love adventures
10.- Not because it is a new relationship, pay more attention when I talk to you than to your cell phone
11.- It is possible that your new love, at first, does not say “I love you” as much as you want
12.- If your new partner adventure confesses a secret do not tell anyone