12 Things to Talk to a Guy to Keep Him Interested

Keeping the man interested may not be the easiest task.

Here are all the interesting things you can talk about to keep his attention on you.

Men get bored very easily.

The fact is, their attention varies greatly from time to time, and it can be hard to keep them interested in you or anything you have to say.

Men seem to think women want to talk about shopping and nothing else, and they don’t realize we want to keep them interested.

The biggest fear many people face when they are in a relationship is seeing their partner or partner losing interest.

While he’ll likely remain interested simply because they like who you are as a person, it can feel like he’s pulling away — especially when it comes to communication.

He may not feel like talking very often because he is simply not interested in the conversation.

Let’s be honest, girls: they don’t really care that the shoes were on sale this week, nor do they find the shopping interesting.

How to Keep a Guy Interested

You will need to think about what he would like to talk about to keep him interested.

He is not your friend.

You can’t gossip about those ridiculous girls at work or divulge your newest celebrity crush to him.

He just won’t be interested in any of it.

To keep your guy really interested, here are 12 things to talk to him about.

These are some surefire ways to pique his interest and keep his eyes on you for a long time.

1. His Interests.

Men don’t find women’s interests to be all that interesting – unless they’re also something they enjoy.

By approaching and discussing his interests, you will show him that in addition to being willing to learn more about him, you also find his life interesting.

In fact, men don’t have much time to talk about their own interests; they usually don’t hang out in a group of guys discussing these things unless it’s a common interest.

So when he has the opportunity and knows they can talk to you, he’ll always come after you.

2. His Work.

People spend about 70% of the day at work.

Men are also very proud of their work.

Then ask him how his work is going.

Make sure you talk about his new goals at work, any projects he’s doing that he really enjoys, and whatever else you can.

By showing that you care about other important aspects of his life, you keep him interested.

3. Any Of His New Hobbies – No Matter How Boring.

You might cringe at the thought of spending time discussing AND the football game with work friends last night, but if it’s something he thinks is important, make a point of discussing it.

Ask how it went, what he learned, if he is improving, etc.

If you want to take it a step further, ask if you can go along with him in his new hobby.

He will be surprised and intrigued by the fact that you have not only talked about his hobby, but you want to participate as well.

4. All That Has To Do With Him.

Let’s be honest, men like to talk about themselves.

As much as they embarrass us because we talk about our hair, nails, etc., they’re eager for you to ask about the new set of chest exercises he’s been doing because his body looks great.

If you’ve noticed him spending more time at the gym or trying out a new haircut, say something!

Ask him what new exercises he’s been doing or what inspired his sudden transformation.

This will definitely keep him interested because you are showing him that you pay attention.

5. Food.

I’m sure food is a thing universally loved by men.

When you start chattering, he will surely keep his interest in you.

Bonus points if you talk about making him food.

Even more bonus points if you talk about making him food half-naked.

6. Talk about commonalities between the two of you.

Show him how good you guys are together and he’s sure to stay interested.

If you have common interests, talk about those interests – and often!

Be sure to discuss new things about your interest that he may not know about.

It’s a great way to show him that the two of you make a great match.

If you’re doing this, he won’t be looking anywhere else!

7. Talk About His Passions.

Just ask him what he’s passionate about and watch him go on and on.

Men really don’t talk about these things with friends that often, and he’s probably just waiting to get it out.

If you’re someone he knows can share these things, he’ll keep showing up.

8. Ask Him About His Goals.

I think every guy out there has a specific goal of some sort.

Ask him if he has any at the moment and talks to him about those goals.

He will be grateful that he can open up to you and may even find that you motivate him – a woman like that no man wants to lose.

9. Talk About Your Passions.

One thing that might surprise most of you is that men love it when a woman talks about what she is passionate about.

When they can see our passion and how it moves us, they can imagine the same passion applied elsewhere.

Take the kids, for example.

If you show that you can be ridiculously passionate about something, your man will start to imagine how passionate and caring you can be for any future children you might have.

Or maybe he’ll love that his biggest passion is simply himself.

10. Talk About Funny Stuff.

Stay away from serious conversations (unless they are important, of course) and keep yourself in a lighthearted mood.

If you know he finds certain things funny, show him!

It can start a fun conversation that will make him want to spend more time with you.

11. Anything That Surprises You.

Be surprising.

Bring up a topic he knows a lot about and ask him to explain it.

Talk about your favorite team and how they’re doing in the league, or just find something that makes him stare at you.

Surprising men is a great way to keep them around because they’ll be sitting around waiting to see what you talk to them about next time.

Remember to always have a hidden surprise ready to pop out at any time.

12. Play a Q&A Game – He Goes First – And It’s All Fair Game.

There are probably hundreds of questions he wants to ask but never had the opportunity.

Well, now you can give it to him on a platter!

If you’re looking for a conversation starter, tell him you want to play The Q&A with something that’s fair.

Not only will you keep him interested, but the two of you will also get to know each other better, and he’ll probably find out things about you that he didn’t know about – which can keep him close to you to find out more!


Keeping a guy interested through conversation can be pretty hard sometimes.

With his attention focused on the novelty you’re going to bring to 24/7, you could face some pretty big hurdles.

These 12 things to talk about are sure to pique your interest and keep you going for a while!

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