20 Phrases to Fall in Love with a Man Who is Far

The distance in love is one of the factors that make a relationship difficult. When you love a person, what you need is to be with them, see them continuously, hug them and kiss them. For a long-distance relationship to work, a strong commitment on the part of both is necessary , a deep love and a lot of trust.

So that you continue to strengthen your relationship at a distance, today we want to help you with phrases to make a man who is far in love with you .

They are phrases of love from a distance with which you will be able to strengthen your love even if your partner is thousands of kilometers away since there is no greater proof of love than loving from a distance, you test your courage, your fidelity, your trust and, above all , your love for that person.

20 Phrases to fall in love with a man who is far away

1 – «Even if you are miles away from me, I feel you as if you were by my side»

2 – «I don’t care how far you are from me, you are the best thing that has happened to me in my life»

3 – «When two people really love each other, the distance does not matter. Our Love will manage to overcome all the obstacles that life puts on it »

4 – «I hate every kilometer, every meter, every inch that separates me from you. I need you by my side and I need you Now. »

5 – «The distance does not allow me to hug you or kiss you, but I want you to know that I will never stop thinking about you or loving you»

6 – «The easiest thing was to fall in love with you, the most complicated thing was to be away from you. I need you by my side.”

7 – “Even if you are far from me, you are always very close to my heart.”

8 – «You are the perfect person in the wrong distance»

9 – «It doesn’t matter where you are, because no matter how much you move away, every day that passes I feel you much closer to my heart»

10 – «I had always believed that distance is oblivion, but today I do not agree because no matter how much you move away I always have you present every second that passes»

11 – “Life without you is not life, but I promise that I will wait for you as long as I need.”

12 – “Although distance and kilometers separate us, our love brings us back together”

13 – «Every day I wake up with a smile because there is one day less for you to finally come back and we can be together again»

14 – «One day I will be happy because instead of getting up and looking at my mobile I will be able to look at those beautiful eyes that you have»

15 – «I miss you a lot these days when for reasons beyond our control it is impossible to be together»

16 – «Love, every day that passes I need your presence in my life. I know that sometimes it’s good to be apart to test our love, but I can’t resist being away from you for a long time »

17 – «Have you noticed? Today I have spent the whole day sending you kisses and hugs from a distance»

18 – «When you look out the window tonight, remember that we will both be looking at the same stars and the same moon. That always makes me feel much closer to you »

19 – “They invented distance for us, to show the whole world that our love is so strong that it prevails even though our paths have separated for a moment”

20 – «You are that person who has the privilege of making me smile just by writing to me»