4 simple steps for him to value you, respect you and want you

Love is the most beautiful feeling there is, especially when it is reciprocated. But many times it happens that the person you love does not show you the same affection and that can be frustrating. Wondering how to make a man appreciate you? You are in the right place.

1. First you have to value yourself

If you want others to respect you, you must first do it to yourself. When you value and love yourself, you surround yourself with people who respect who you are and are drawn to that security. That is why they will respect you and give value to your company.

You must be clear about your value so that, no matter how much love you may feel for another person, you will not tolerate a man abusing you in any way. Neither verbally, physically, or psychologically.

It is common for women to be more excited than men when they start a relationship. That is why you may be more open to expressing your emotions and showing your interest. Although it sounds absurd, sometimes that is counterproductive. If you make things difficult, he will do his best to attract you.

It’s not about you completely ignore him. The idea is that you show that you are interested, but make it clear that you have your own life. If he wants to be a part of her, he must earn it. The challenge is attractive to men. 

2. Make him understand that you are independent

If you show that you can’t get through a day without him, he’s likely trying to be important and looking for you less. Love is not a competition, but the courtship part is a game in which both seek to conquer and be interesting.

Two people are involved in a healthy relationship. Both should be appreciated and cared for. If you notice that he does not show interest, do not wait for him. Go out with your friends, have fun on your own. Stop looking for him, do not give him gifts or details.

If he is interested in you, he will notice the changes in your attitude and he will approach you again. They may ask you what is happening or they may seek to win your affection again. Let him know that if he wants to be with you, he must show it.

3. Have zero tolerance for abuse

There are different ways of not valuing a woman. On the one hand, he may act uninterested, but on the other – much more serious – he may be verbally, emotionally, or physically violent. If this is the case, get away from him as soon as possible. You don’t deserve to have someone in your life who hurts you.

In these cases, violent men are often possessive and need to feel like they have control over them. He may want to make you believe that if he is jealous of you, or violent, it is because he loves you and is afraid of losing you. But putting up with abuse is not the way to make a man appreciate you.

If a man is genuinely interested in you and truly values ​​you by his side, he will show you his most affectionate side. He will take care of you, attend to you and try to win your affection every day. True love is based on caring and mutual respect. The man who values ​​you will give you both.

And if he has doubts, show him that you respect his worth. Make her understand that you are a modern and independent woman and that if she wants to be part of your life, it must be to add things. If he is not going to value you, let him leave.

4. How to make a man value you ? Play hard to get

If you maintain a strong character, the man you are interested in will value you. At the beginning of the relationship, they see you as an interesting challenge. Once you are in a stable courtship, if you respect your space and individuality, he will be drawn to your independence and your ability to live your way.

If they were to have problems and your boy is one of those who uses a threat of breakup to put pressure on you, showing him that you are strong and that you will not let yourself be pressured will make him value your presence and think twice before threatening you again.