5 surprising and essential things for the well-being of your relationship

Do you want to know the secret of happy couples? Start by devoting time to these little everyday things that can make all the difference.

“The happy couple who recognize themselves in love defies the universe and time: it is enough, it achieves the absolute,” wrote Simone de Beauvoir in her work. Not easy to provide a clear definition of a happy romantic relationship. However, there are couples who seem really fulfilled. We are not talking about those who seek to return a perfect image in society for the sole purpose of hiding the imperfections of their relationship, but those who on the contrary do not hide their disagreements but seem to love each other as in the early days. These people are lucky, it will be said. And it is undoubtedly true. But let’s face it: if finding the “right person” is a sine qua non-condition for living a magical love story, this is rarely enough to make the relationship last if we do not constantly strive to improve it. This work begins with small simple gestures to adopt on a daily basis. Here are 5 that can be highly beneficial for your relationship.

1. Spend less time on your phones

In 2015, a study by Brigham Young University in the United States revealed for the first time that “a person’s relationship with technology has the power to make their partner depressed”. Like what, the right to disconnect also applies in the context of privacy. So, if you don’t want to fall into “phubing” , contraction of “phone” and “snubbing”, try not to stay too taped to your phone screen when you spend moments in face to face with your other half.

2. Sleep in your simple device

According to a 2014 UK survey, couples who sleep naked are happier in their relationships, including when it doesn’t end in lovemaking. So you know what you have to do before going to bed: get rid of excess clothes, bundle up in the duvet (if it’s cold) and snuggle against your partner’s body.

3. Say “good night” every night

It may seem trivial, but the fact of saying “good night” every night strengthens the intimacy in a couple. This little ritual can also be a good approach to reconciliation after an argument, says American psychiatrist Mark Goulston in an article in Psychology Today: “It tells your partner that no matter how angry you are with him, you always want you to invest in the relationship. ”

4. Tell more about each other

Between work, outings, children, and all the other elements of daily life to manage, your schedule can quickly monopolize you and distance you from your partner. In an article in the American version of Huffington Post, American marriage therapist Dr. Jim Walkup emphasizes the importance of keeping each other informed in a couple. “Take time each day to let your partner know what’s going on in your life. Does he need to know all the details of your day until that boring time when you waited a long time at the supermarket? Probably not. But, must he know how the presentation you had to do at work went and for which you were so stressed? Of course! “. According to Dr. Walkup, by keeping your partner informed, you will be able to understand and support each other better.

5. Be indulgent to each other

In an ideal world, you should always agree with your partner. But everyone knows that this type of aspiration is purely utopian. Moreover, an argument within a couple can also be an opportunity to take stock of their relationship and work on the small points to improve. Provided, of course, that it proves to be constructive and that the same conflicting discussion does not come up constantly on the carpet. It is precisely for this reason that it is important to be tolerant and understanding, explains the American marriage counselor Debra Fileta in an article published on the Relevantmagazine site. “In a relationship, it is essential to know how to listen and forgive the other to move forward”, advocates the expert, for whom the most satisfied couples are those who have a great capacity to forgive (within the limits of reasonable, well obviously).