5 ways to rekindle a man’s love feelings

How to bring back the romantic feelings of a man? What are the methods to save your couple? How to rekindle the flame in love?

If you feel that there is more and more distance settling in your relationship, first it is important to become aware of this, and subsequently to make improvements to attract this man again to you.

Charles Dolfus said that true and lasting love can only be established on the exchange of feelings, and this exchange is only possible between two beings capable of understanding and absorbing one into the other. In a way, you have to relearn the basics of the couple to have a healthy and lasting relationship.

In this article, you will discover all the tips to improve your romantic relationship and acquire new knowledge to contribute to your future in love.

Here are the 5 ways to rekindle a man’s romantic feelings:

  1. Understand why he has no feeling.To rekindle the flame in your couple quickly, it is necessary to understand what triggered the “separation” of your feelings in love. To find out, why not ask him the question directly?

    Just explain to him that you want it to get better between you and that for this you have to overcome the obstacle that blocks his feelings towards you and the evolution positive of your relationship. There is always a reason and a solution for every problem.
  2. Do a different activity.Novelty is probably one of the things that can more easily rekindle the feelings of a man in love. You should know that a man loves a woman who allows him to live life experiences and memorable moments for two. In the majority of cases, after a while the routine destroys the couple. What is the kind of ideal activity? I suggest you play a very special card game that allows you to live an authentic and unique moment for two. The Totem Couple Edition   game is a unique game that stimulates deep and meaningful discussions. You can revisit the little moments of life to see your partner with the eyes of the heart. It’s very powerful!
    If you want to rekindle the love feelings of a man, you must absolutely play this game! You will not find any other activity simpler than this one to reconnect you together and to return this flame in love.
  3. Live as if it were the beginning of a romantic relationship.You probably remember that the beginning of the relationship was probably the strongest and perfect moment. What happened to cause a man’s feelings to slowly move away from you? Why has this man acted differently since then? Little attention is lacking to this man. Strange as it may seem, in our nature we often treat people we don’t know with more respect and especially more attention than those who share our daily life. For example, we often pay more attention to our ways and our behavior with a new person who enters our life. Of course, I don’t think it’s only because we feel comfortable with someone that we forget everything else. I think we just need to pay more attention, compliment your partner, be more positive, create moments of laughter, etc. In short, treat him in such a way as to make him feel all the affection you deeply feel for him. In this way, you will begin to see that the situation is evolving in a more positive way. If you want more tips to find out if he still has romantic interest in you, I invite you to read this article: A man looking at a woman: All the meanings to know!
  4. Write a love letter.This love letter or email will have only one goal: to revive feelings of love. It is an activity that can positively change the relationship if you are looking to rekindle the couple’s flame. Ideally, do not do it by SMS, because the texting is too direct at these times. Always express your feelings. Opportunities can be lost in the blink of an eye and regrets can last a lifetime.

    At the end of your letter, ask them to take a few minutes to put their true feelings about your situation on paper or by email. Once it’s done, ask yourself the right questions… How do you live the situation with him? What could be improved in your relationship? Why do you want things to change with him? Anything that can be updated in your relationship can help to rekindle feelings even if the fact that despite this bad patch, there will always be feelings very present. You just have to get to know your partner and their wishes better, improve things in your relationship and move on.

  5. Give more importance to projects and dreams.What revives the flame in a couple is the conviction that you share your life with someone exceptional and who has big dreams. If you share with your partner the things you most want to achieve, you bring back strong feelings from this man. Men love challenges and challenges. If you have ambition and an ardent desire to want to achieve great things with him, you will completely succeed in conquering his heart. He will be overjoyed at the idea of ​​working on his dreams and ambitious projects. Encourage him to think bigger and motivate him daily.