7 crazy things to do with the person you love

Live love differently with unusual ideas!

Have you been having the perfect love with Jules for months, and you love each other like never before? To keep this passion that unites you as long as possible and not to fall victim to the routine, spice up your daily life by doing anything and everything. Running out of ideas? Here are all the unusual things to do with your sweetheart.

1.Take the car without having a precise direction

You don’t know what to do when you have a whole afternoon to enjoy each other. Why not grab the keys to the car and let the road be your guide? Don’t look for a specific place where you can go, just go with your lover. Go to the freeway, take a random exit to a place you don’t know, and keep walking until you find a corner that you both like. It could be a restaurant, a place full of greenery… End your little improvised trip by spending the night in a hotel.

2.Go to a restaurant, and pretend you don’t know each other

For the evening of Friday or Saturday, have fun doing really unusual things with your darling. Go to a restaurant pretending to be strangers. Once installed, embark on a parade of seduction by flirting with your man. For the fun side of the idea, charm him in the most cheesy way possible using the crappy phrases, and speak loudly enough that the other people in the restaurant can hear..

3.Ride the car all night

Swap an evening with friends in a pub or dinner for two in a super chic restaurant for a night out by car. Discover your city under the stars and the lights as you stroll through the night. In the early morning, look for a quiet place where you can have your breakfast under the first rays of the sun. If you live near the sea, end your romantic getaway on the beach by reveling in the sunrise. If that is not romantic!

4. relive your childhood

Are you tired of watching TV, reading a book, surfing the Internet or just tired of doing nothing, invite your Jules to have fun with you. Together, indulge in the games you loved so much when you were little: hide and seek, 1, 2, 3 sun, pillow fight… You can also build a castle with the furniture, cushions and blankets, and declare war by throwing paper planes. But don’t forget the treats for the winner. Play the game, like that, you will see your married life from a different perspective, plus you will discover more about yourself.

5. take the plane

The weekend is here, and you have nothing planned with your man? Go to the airport, take two plane tickets by choosing the cheapest tickets regardless of the destination. Fly to new horizons for a whole weekend without planning anything, no suitcases, no reservations… nothing. Improvise everything, because it’s the best way to have a good time with the one who makes your heart beat.

6.Go for the romantic cliché

The romantic cliché in a large restaurant for a real romantic dinner, you’ve seen it on TV several times. Don’t dream it anymore, live it! Don’t be stingy, get the most out of your savings to reserve a table for two in the most chic restaurant in town. Get on your 31s, and call a limousine service to pick you up. Rose petals, champagne, background music with music by Barry White, scented candles, delicious feast… all of that will be there. Don’t forget to dance in the middle of the living room. But above all, don’t look for an opportunity to do so.

7. get lost in nature

Do you live in town? Leave it for a day to go to a green space in the countryside so that you can find yourself. Whether in a huge park or outright in the forest, put on your rubber boots, simply discover the other hidden side of this world, a horizon of greenery. Let yourself be lulled by the song of nature, calm and fresh air. Try to see wild beasts, look for mushrooms, identify bird species …