7 Reasons why it’s very good to fall in love with a girl who thinks too much

A girl who thinks too much can be difficult to love at first, but it is worth it. She will not be like the others.

If you’re lucky enough to find this girl, here’s what you need to know about her:

1. She is sincere.

She knows who she is, and she doesn’t pretend to be anything else.

2. She will never lie to you.

She is always frank and honest. She’ll never tell you what she doesn’t mean because she wouldn’t want you to do this to her.

3. She will challenge you.

She will over-analyze every word you say, and she won’t be afraid of disagreeing with you. But she will never judge you, nor will she demean you on purpose.

4. She won’t trust you immediately.

She has already been injured, so she will be careful. She will analyze things too much and silently question every word and every action. But once you’ve earned her trust, she’ll never doubt you again.

5. She is too loyal.

Once she lets you in, you’re in for good. She will never leave you and never stop fighting for you. It will always cover you unconditionally.

6. She will give herself fully to you.

She will not hold back, and she is not afraid of commitment. She is always thinking of new ways to make you happy or to show you how she feels. She will love you as much as she can, but she will expect you to do the same.

7. She doesn’t want to play.

Her heart is pure. She will not manipulate you and will not play with your emotions. She can’t stand ambiguity, so she’ll always tell you exactly what she’s thinking and won’t let you find out for yourself. She will never make you jealous and never use you.

If you find this girl, hold on to her. You will not regret it.