If you recognize your guy in several of the characteristics below, you can congratulate yourself, it seems that you have won the jackpot man.
1- He is not afraid to face difficulties
When life is rosy, it is there. When things get tough, he is there too, ready to face the situation head on, without trying to shirk.
2- It is a blue cord
Or at least, he knows how to prepare dinner, all alone like a chef , even if it is limited to Baba. Besides, you love the ham shells.
3- He supports you no matter what
Whether he agrees or not, he supports you. Even if he is convinced that you are wrong or that you have made a mistake. After all, who doesn’t? His role is to show you that he is by your side, not to blame you any more.
4- He pays attention to details
He prepares your coffee with a cloud of milk because he knows you like it that way and avoids buying vanilla-based desserts, always remembering that you hate that scent. In short, your man knows you and knows what will (or will not) make you happy. And it’s quite nice to see that the other has recorded these little details.
5- He knows how to make you smile
A good joke, a hug, comforting words, an unexpected outing to the theater … He always knows how to help you feel better.
6- He coaches you
It is not just your love, it is also your friend and your best advisor.
7- He is a feminist
Shopping, cleaning, changing diapers, homework, it is for sharing tasks at home. He also doesn’t feel threatened by your success. And besides, a true feminist at heart, he is for gender equality in general.