8 habits of women that attract good and very attractive men

Would you like to be the type of woman who always attracts good, attractive men? Now you will realize that beauty is not a pretty face. You can see beauty in the habits of women that attract good men. These women always stay attractive and good men don’t resist.

There are certain types of women that men love. These women are unforgettable for their spontaneous attitude. They are attractive women to men not because of their good touch with makeup and clothing. But their way of sharing is so magical that men cannot help but fall in love with them.

Let’s see why some women attract more good men who are also attractive.

1.- They pay close attention and get excited about the simple things in life

There are women who are always attractive not because of their physical beauty but because of a very simple attitude. They always have an abundant perspective on life and this favors the way others see them. As good attractive women, they have a habit of seeing and feeling the positives in life.

We are talking about the habits of women that attract good men. It’s about taking advantage of every little incident to stay happy. Deciding to be happy in any circumstance instead of upset, sad or depressed makes them very attractive.

2.- Personality that attracts men: Women who forgive and learn


Many faults committed against us stem from the false expectations we have of other people. We are offended that other people are not what we expected and do not do the things we wanted.

Women who understand that forgiveness is more about ourselves than other people are wise. They have a very confident personality and this means a powerful magnetism that attracts good and attractive men.

3.- When a woman leads by example, men are very attracted


The best advice is the example, that is, if you practice the advice you want to give, your attitude is the best lesson. And one of the best habits of women who attract good men is the example. They are not telling you how to live better, they are doing it.

Attractive women set the example by being themselves, it is part of their daily habits. If there is a problem, they don’t complain, they just do what they have to do. And this is a powerful attraction that makes good men notice them.

4.- Habits of attractive women: They listen carefully and give recognition


We all like to talk and we like when a person listens to us. It makes us feel important, valued. We love people who listen to us. In other words, a woman who listens is very attractive.

A nice person is like a powerful magnet, we all want to be by his side. What attitudes do men like from women? Be nice. And listening and acknowledging they are very nice.

5.- What do men expect from a woman? Keep calm in difficulties


The kind of woman you are to a man is especially manifested in difficulties. Nobody likes the negative, we run from a negative person. Instead a positive person is like a magnet.

Another of the habits of women that attract good men is calm. Staying calm in the worst moments makes a woman feel very attractive. A good man wants to be with such a woman.

6.- A woman who attracts good men always has an opinion of her own


There is nothing more attractive to a man in a woman than her authenticity. A woman with her own opinion, who knows how to properly say “no”, is enigmatic and very attractive. Men yearn for this type of woman.

An attractive woman with the habit of expressing herself as she is, is not afraid of ridicule. He doesn’t care what “they will say.” She just doesn’t compare to the rest and is very uninhibited enjoying her life on her own terms.

7.- Attractive women take the initiative to talk to someone new


Why does a man like a woman’s smile? A smiling woman reflects confidence. A woman who has confidence in herself takes the initiative. Hence, for a man, a smiling woman speaking to him means well-being and joy.

The more a woman smiles, the more attractive she is to men. That is, the initiative to converse with strangers is another of the habits of women that attract good men. A man likes a woman who smiles more than a woman with makeup.

8.- What attracts a man more than a woman? His enormous gratitude to life


How is a woman grateful for everything? Being grateful makes us happier, and happiness is a very powerful attraction.
Being grateful matters more than you think. But there are two kinds of gratitude, conditional and unconditional. Both are good, but the unconditional has more lasting effects.

When a woman is grateful she experiences positive feelings. Good times, health, serenity and his willingness to make new friends are reflected in his life. All this makes men want to be by her side, they are powerfully attracted.

In short … some women attract more good and attractive men because they love themselves well.

8 habits of women that attract good and very attractive men

1.- They pay a lot of attention and get excited about the simple things in life
2.- Personality that attracts men: Women who forgive and learn
3.- When a woman leads by example, men feel very attracted
4.- Habits of attractive women: They listen carefully and give recognition.
5.- What do men expect from a woman? That they remain calm in difficulties.
6.- A woman who attracts good men always has an opinion of her own.
7.- Attractive women take the initiative to talk to someone new
8.- What attracts a man more than a woman? His enormous gratitude to life