Because a couple is a job at all times, if you want yours to last securely over time, you must not procrastinate! So we roll up our sleeves, and we make sure to act daily for the good of our relationship, in order to make communication and good understanding much more fluid and easy! Here are 8 little things to do every day to strengthen your relationship! Apply without moderation
8 little things to do every day to strengthen your relationship:
1 / hug you
Never underestimate the power of a hug … It may seem harmless like that, but hugs help stimulate a hormone: oxytocin. It has a beneficial effect on well-being, libido and affection while reducing stress, anxiety, and blood pressure! So for your good and that of your spouse, please don’t save on hugs! Even after several years of living together !!
2 / Say words of love to you
Because yes, maybe you know that you love yourself, but if you don’t get into the habit of saying it out loud you will gradually feel it less … And to do this, you have at your disposal a large panel of statements! So vary a little from the “I love you” (always magic, but classic and sometimes repetitive) so as not to mitigate its effects. You will find on Talking about Love many ways to tell your darling how much you love him … So do it once a day for the good health of your relationship!
5 / Go to bed at the same time
It may sound silly, but you will quickly notice if you do not do this, that you will distance yourself from each other and that your complicity will be tainted! Of course, from time to time, your schedules and work can prevent you, but make sure it stays anecdotal!
6 / Talk to each other
Even if you don’t see yourself every day, it is important that you have a note, a word, a short text message or a call for your sweetheart. Show that you are thinking of him/her even with distance. If you live together you might tend to think it is won in advance, but an active conversation that benefits the couple is not always easy to have on a daily basis with work, routine and fatigue!
7 / bring a little madness and lightness into the daily life of your relationship!
Tell jokes, make the clown, play like children … In short, be crazy !!! Keep it serious for the job (well, you have the right to have fun of course …), and bring a little madness and lightness into the daily life of your relationship!
8 / Eat together
As with the dodo, the meal is an important moment in the life of couple. It is not only a question of eating here, but of spending special time with your darling, a time of sharing! So you don’t just empty your plate, put it in the dishwasher, and leave on your own!