8 things that break ties to get closer to others if you neglect them

How do you connect with others? What are the tips to finally get closer and feel close to others?

Did you know that social relationships help you to live old? This can help reduce levels of anxiety, anxiety or even depression. You have to show others that they really matter to you. Get to know them by creating sincere links.

You may not be able to be close to everyone you meet and that is normal, but the more you try to bond, the more you will increase the chances of building strong and lasting bonds. That is to say, you will surround yourself with very good people. Whether in friendship or in love, it is the same principle.

Here are the 8 things that break ties to get closer to others if you neglect them:

1 – The smile

Who would like to get to know a person who never smiles and has no positive attitude? To begin and to bond with others, you must first learn to smile on a daily basis. The smile gives off positive energy and is transmitted in the simplest way possible and requires very little effort.

If you are not the type of person who smiles regularly, you may be unwittingly transmitting negative energy to people who do not know you at all. Why? It’s just energy … The next time you run into someone you know or a stranger, make an effort and smile.

What do you have to lose from smiling and transmitting the joy of life to others?

2 – Openness with others

Obviously, if you close yourself off to others, it could be difficult or even almost impossible to bond with others. You should always be ready to open up easily to others so that they too can open up too.

The more you open, the more others will feel a comfortable opening.

3 – The points in common

To succeed in getting closer to others and to feel close to them, sharing common points or common interests is useful and above all very important. Detect them very carefully in conversations to find out if you have something in common that could be interesting to exchange together.

In this way, it can help you to tighten the bonds and will give you a totally exciting moment of sharing between you. What could be better than finding something in common to strengthen even stronger ties? A great way to make it easier for the person to remember you. She will definitely want to see you again to spend more time together.

4 – The presence

According to studies, did you know that fewer and fewer people are related to each other? 25% of Americans say they have no one to confide in. This figure is huge! The increasing use of new communication technologies could be the cause.

People are more concerned with checking SMS or email messages, rather than being interested in the person sitting opposite. To break this bad habit, make sure you are present and attentive. Give all possible attention and give it space.

By doing so, you will impress with the quality of the attention you bring to others. They will feel happier and more confident in your presence. This kind of personality is really worth gold. Make sure you become one!

5 – Interest in others

You should show genuine interest in the people you have known, but also in the new people you meet. If you show real care with each other, be it with their goals, hopes, and interests, you will become an important person to confide in.

Being authentic with others is essential for creating real bonds. Talk to them and really care about their well-being, because you care about them, not because you need them.

6 – The right questions to ask others

If you ask the right questions, you will strengthen relationships much more easily and quickly discover his true personality. Here are some examples :

  • What is the biggest dream you would like to achieve?
  • What are you most passionate about in life?
  • If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do?
  • What is “  living a fulfilling life  ” for you?

7 – The good heart

Everyone appreciates someone who helps others. This kind of generous person, who can give money, but also give of his time. Helping others helps build a better world.

This can help build a better environment for others. This is yet another way to bond with others, by helping others. On the other hand, don’t let others abuse your kindness. Your efforts will be appreciated and you will be helped in return if necessary.

These are new and enriching experiences that bring you a lot closer to others. Try it and see!

8 – Socialization

If you want to become more social and meet new people, make it a habit to go out to places that you like and that suit you. By doing so, you increase your chances of expanding your circle of encounters if you leave your comfort zone.

Being sociable can help you build deep relationships, come out of your shell and feel much less lonely. You don’t even have to be a social relation’s expert to talk to people. What you really need is to follow your gut and gain self-confidence.

When you are more comfortable talking to people, you can start making plans with them and spend more time together.

And you? What brings you closer to others and allows you to create strong and lasting bonds?