9 good signs that you are a very attractive woman, this is your life

A pretty girl is not necessarily attractive. Attractiveness is attitude and energy that reaches the instincts of other people. Now you will know what are the signs that you are a very attractive woman. An attractive person is something out of the ordinary, many times not even she knows it is.

It is not common to see attractive women. The common thing is to see people insecure about their appearance, actions and bearing. Very few people are happy with what they have and are. And being attractive is not about perfection.

Many beautiful women are not entirely satisfied with what they have. Some do not like their hair, others think that they do not know how to dress well, that they are very thin or fat. That discontent is not attractive.

Let’s see what characteristics distinguish very attractive women. There are attractive women of all colors, weights, ages, and social status.

1.- They look at you and congratulate you believing that everyone does it

They tell you that you’re pretty but they also tell you, “I’m sure they tell you all the time.” That is, if most people assume that you receive compliments, then you have some appeal.

But they say it to you in a way like saying, “why should I tell you if you will be used to hearing it?” Insecure men are intimidated by your presence, they realize that their weak character does not reach them.

2.- There is always someone who asks you out and you are always seen with someone


This is another one of the signs that you are a very attractive woman, in case you didn’t know. Your way of being and treating people makes men always want you for a loving relationship.

This is normal for you. It is very easy for you to connect with men and women and you probably think that happens to all girls. But no, what really happens is that you have magnetic characteristics.

3.- Your confidence and security are a powerful attraction for men


An attractive woman how is she? The most important thing is the security and confidence with which you live. This can be such an internalized habit that you don’t even realize that you are attractive.

One of the signs that you are a very attractive woman is that men cannot ignore you. They admire you and if they have a strong character it makes them pleasant to deal with you.

4.- Your partner tells you that you kiss very well and that you are a wonderful company


A highly attractive woman feels very free to live her love life authentically. He doesn’t ask for permission, he doesn’t ask if it’s okay or not, if he likes it or not, enough that she likes it.

Men appreciate a woman who allows herself to flow in love naturally. Very few do, most are tied by appearances or trying to please, not you.

5.- An attractive woman means that people cannot help but value and appreciate

It is not about a stunning or boisterous woman who also attracts attention. But someone who takes care of his presence and his way of being in the most subtle of his movements.

You get somewhere and more than one looks at you and follows you with their eyes, it is because you have magnetism. That is one of the signs that you are a very attractive woman. There is something good in you, become aware.

6.- Personality of an attractive woman: Your inner beauty shines in your way of being


Inner beauty when you have it shows in your attitude towards yourself and others. You treat yourself and others in a unique, loving, safe, affectionate way, etc.

The important thing is not physical beauty or how well you manage to make up. An attractive woman inside and out is harmony. Your mind, emotions, and habits allow you to be spontaneous and magnetic.

7.- You make friends easily and they really like spending time with you


An attractive woman is happy and transmits happiness in every movement, look, gesture, smile … If people feel confident, pleasant and relaxed with you, you have great power and you must take it.

When you meet someone who gives you their time and attention, you like to be with that person. If you are also enthusiastic and transmit positive energy, it is a pleasure to stay with you.

8.- Characteristics of an attractive woman: She has a unique and admirable behavior


Another of the signs that you are a very attractive woman is how you project your feelings towards other people. It doesn’t matter if someone treats you badly, you treat them well and everything comes out spontaneously.

You have bad times like any woman, but you don’t blame and you don’t worry, you just do what needs to be done. You take care of your emotional health and that makes you a positive energy magnet.

9.- You have many friends talking to you on your cell phone


We love people who give us affection and recognition. It’s what you do without realizing it with all the people you deal with and you don’t consider it a big deal. Yet it is a great leadership power.

It is not easy to find a person who shares your dreams, fears, mistakes and successes. You do it so naturally that you make people want to tell you their things or just be with you.

In conclusion…

What are the good signs that you are a very attractive woman?

1.- They look at you and congratulate you believing that everyone does it
2.- There is always someone who asks you out and you are always seen with someone
3.- Your confidence and security are a powerful attraction for men
4.- Your partner tells you that you kiss very well and that you are a wonderful company
5.- An attractive woman means that people cannot help but value and appreciate
6.- Personality of an attractive woman: Your inner beauty shines in your way of being
7.- You make friends easily and they really like spending time with you
8.- Characteristics of an attractive woman: She has a unique and admirable behavior
9.- You have many friends talking to you on your cell phone