Are some people easier to love than others? Decryption according to your astrological sign

This is a big and huge question! Are some people easier to love than others?

This is probably true since some are easier to live with than others, for example. That said, it is an assertion that should not be taken too seriously. Indeed, if certain characteristics would be intolerable for me, they probably would not be for another.

It all depends on everyone. Love is not an objective feeling!

So we decided to turn to astrology and offer you a classification of the signs of the zodiac, from the most difficult to love to the easiest to love.


(from September 23 to October 22)

Virgos undoubtedly belong to the most independent sign of the zodiac. They know how to be autonomous and self-sufficient. In fact, their strength and courage intimidate more than one!

If they are so difficult to love, it is because they have become used to living as they see fit, according to their own rules. They find it difficult to share this control and let someone else take over their space.

In short, they can be difficult to live with because they have become habits of hardened singles! It will take a lot of patience and effort to convince them to give you a place.


(from October 23 to November 22)

Getting along with a Scorpion can be extremely difficult because they themselves don’t really know what they want from a romantic relationship. Their partner is therefore often left waiting.

They seldom have a good knowledge of themselves and therefore have difficulty defining precise expectations. They are a bit lost and advance blindly.

They are eternally dissatisfied… Unable to put their finger on what could really satisfy them! In short, living with a Scorpion requires learning to discover it, while teaching him to discover himself.


(from November 23 to December 21)

Spending a night with a Sagittarius means taking the risk of finding your empty bed early in the morning!

They are impulsive and used to acting on a whim, to live from day-to-day. They find it very difficult to emotionally engage in a couple relationship. Getting them to “stay” is usually a real challenge.

Autonomous and freedom-loving, they thirst for adventure and discovery. They, therefore, find it very difficult to settle.

Only a unique and special person will be able to attract a Sagittarius and make him want to stay by his side.


(from January 21 to February 18)

Aquarians are often reserved and restrained. They have a rich inner life and like to keep it for themselves. They, therefore, find it very difficult to open up to others.

They do not like to feel in a weak position and therefore, they also do not like to reveal their vulnerabilities.

And this withdrawal into oneself can be difficult in the context of a romantic relationship, requiring sharing and self-giving. But nothing is impossible! It will be enough to be patient and to accompany them on this path!


(from December 22 to January 20)

Capricorns are pragmatic beings, with their feet on the ground. And so are they when it comes to their romantic relationships.

In short, if they find the other a “pragmatic” “utility”, they will make efforts to maintain the said relationship. But otherwise, they will keep a cool head … and make the decision to end it.

In short, winning their hearts is a real challenge, for those who do not win with the help of a simple bouquet of flowers! You just have to wait until they are ready, but if they are not, it is a waste of time.


(from May 22 to June 21)

The main problem encountered when trying to seduce a Gemini is that he is often very emotional and indecisive.

Their emotions take over and paralyze them. Their judgment is then clouded. If they are also undecided, it is mainly because they have a dual personality. With them, it’s all or nothing! They also tend to change their minds overnight. In short, then difficult to maintain a stable and lasting relationship in this case.

At the same time, they are also very comfortable with change. They know how to adapt and therefore make excellent partners in times of crisis.


(from July 23 to August 22)

One thing is certain, the Lio are fascinating creatures. You never get bored with them. But it is not necessarily a good thing.

Falling in love with a Lion is taking risks. The risk of living in the shadows, the risk of having to manage an oversized ego, etc. But they also know how to be incredible partners.

They are simply learning to manage their tendency to self-centeredness and to teach them not to just think about them. It will take a little patience and a lot of diplomacies to teach them that love is for two.


(from March 21 to April 19)

Aries like to live at 100 an hour. They need challenges and action! For them, it is impossible to be satisfied with a mediocre and boring life (or relationship).

They are determined and will do everything they can to succeed and achieve their goals. The downside is that they are sometimes too focused on this to be able to focus on their romantic relationships.

But if they meet the right person, they will know how to make room for them and find time for them.


(from April 20 to May 21)

No sign is more loyal than Taurus. But beware, unlocking its mysteries can take a while. If their confidence is blind, it will take a lot of time and effort to gain it.

Taurus need time to open up and reveal themselves to others. But once their walls are torn down, it will be the start of a long and lasting relationship. Once they open, they engage!

They will be there for the long haul, ready to brave all the storms that life will put in their way.


(from September 23 to October 22)

Conquering the heart of a Libra is a bit like breaking through the defenses of an impregnable castle!

They are calm people who need harmony and balance. They are looking for peaceful and stable relationships.

Any form of selfishness is foreign to them. They tend to put the needs of others before their own, especially in the context of their relationships (whether family, friendship or love).

In short, they will make excellent partners as long as they meet someone who is on the same wavelength as them.


(from February 19 to March 20)

Pisces are one of those people who love 100%. They have a lot of love to give and therefore often feel an imperial need to share this love.

They have their hearts on their hands and are not one to refrain from loving. They are extremely romantic. Generous and altruistic, they will make all the efforts necessary for the good of their romantic relationships.

They are real teddy bears, but beware they are not stupid either! They will expect to receive the same from their partner.


(from June 22 to July 22)

Cancer belongs to the most maternal sign of the zodiac. They like to take care of others. They are generous and we can always count on them.

When they are in a relationship, they have the heart to pamper and take care of their partner. Full of love, they are deeply kind and selfless.

They will also make great parents when the time comes.