Detect and stop these 15 signs of jealousy in your relationships

Jealousy is an important part of a relationship

Many people do not realize that jealousy is a form of control in a relationship and often results in spoiling the healthy relationship between two people, their signs of insecurity and envy. At first, without many realizations, you will feel that it is a compliment, but then you will realize that it must be removed from the relationship as soon as possible. So in the end, most people realize that jealousy has nothing to do with being complimented and everything to do with taking control. You cannot find a relationship without jealousy, and it is part of a relationship. Sometimes we are envious of her beautiful hair or her charming smile. So being jealous is almost a natural part of any woman’s life. It can push you to work harder and improve in life. Nevertheless, When you feel jealous of the person you are in the relationship with, the person you are dating is not very good. The main problem behind this is that when you become envious in a relationship, you become more insecure and also in control. It’s horrible to be jealous; unfortunately, even your partner probably won’t tolerate it for a long period of time. Would you like to be jealous and control your relationship? If not, get rid of it as soon as possible, its presence is sign of negativity in life. Sometimes it happens that your friend cannot protect you from becoming the doom of the ogre called “Jealousy.” Sometimes it happens that even if they don’t mean to hurt you, they unknowingly end up doing bad things as they are signs of jealousy. Jealousy is never a good emotion for a woman. You must detect the signs that someone is jealous of you and then you must make the difficult decision of whether you want to be in a relationship with them or not. So where is that line between normal and the kind of jealousy that can affect any healthy relationship? Oh, it’s a very fine line. Below are some of the points that will allow you to spot that if you are crossing jealousy territory, which is a bad sign.

1. Signs of jealousy; checking their partner’s phone frequently

Checking your phone is a sign of jealousy. In fact, if you are trying to scroll through his phone every time he is not around, it is something that tells you that you are envious and that this bad fact is also affecting your relationship. This is the deliberate invasion of privacy. If you are so suspicious of a guy that you feel like you have to stop by his phone, these are the signs that there is a major problem in your relationship. Another point is that this does not end easily. Either you don’t find anything, or you will find something you wish you hadn’t found. This act of yours is equivalent to reading someone’s personal journal without permission. Take a step back are the sign that you are going crazy. You don’t seem like a sane person and that your partner deserves better.

2. Dissect their social media posts

If there’s a social media post from you, do you dissect everything about it? These are not good signs of women. Social media is not a great idea of ​​someone’s psyche, which means that the post may just be a casual reaction to a person and nothing else behind them. You’re not going to find out if he has another girlfriend based on this casual tweet. If you’re digging too much into a silly post about him, it means you’re pulling straws. It is a sign that you are trying to get more information about the boy in any way possible.


3. Being jealous, you flirt with other people to make yourself feel better

Sometimes we articulate our lack of confidence by trying to make ourselves feel better. When you feel envious of your relationship, you work hard to get the attention of men outside of your relationship, which is a sign of insecurity. You will find it unfair. Honestly, if you’re seeking other people’s attention because you’re feeling jealous and insecure, find out that there are 100 percent problems in your relationship. There is no point looking for solutions outside when the problem you have is inside

4. Always trying to catch you in a lie again, signs of insecurity

If you have the feeling that you are trying to trap him in a lie, you are letting your jealousy control your relationship. When you are surprised by the signs of jealousy, catching him in the lie becomes a chase for you. This is not the way a healthy relationship lasts, because jealousy will get its way and you will lose.

5. Your coworker makes you feel insecure

They are clear signs of insecurity. Working together with the coworker is like a daily routine. If your boyfriend is working in a corporate world, he will also be working with the opposite gender, plain and simple. Socializing with people is something we do from the day we are in school. If just talking about the opposite gender in the office fills you with anger and jealousy, these are signs that there is a problem. This reflects that you are not supporting him at work. This is how you earn money to live. In the future, this is how he supports himself and his family. Don’t let your jealousy stop you from supporting him at work.


6. Being jealous of family members is also a sign of insecurity

Another big problem with jealousy is that you hate him when he talks to his family members. If you let jealousy control your relationship, it takes over and you are afraid of losing your man to every person in your life. It is true that you care to fear that your boyfriend will leave you for his family members; These are signs of insecurity in you. It’s just that you’re trying to control your man, and his affection for his family members doesn’t appeal to you either.

7. Do you want every minute that you should be together, or are you jealous?

Wanting to spend every minute with your boyfriend also means that there are signs of being jealous in the relationship and, I don’t want you to have to spend a single minute with him or others. You cannot control their time; he needs space for his own family members and co-workers. In a real situation, if you want to spend time with friends or are working late, your disappointment cannot control your time instead of spending quality time together. Let him be free and have his own time and space. You need to spend time with the coworker for a quick refreshment.


8. Spiral if he does not respond to you immediately, this is a sign of envy

If you call and he doesn’t answer you right away, you have a complete breakdown which is a sign of insecurity. The truth is, it may be doing a few things. Perhaps you are working, in the meeting or in the middle of the discussion about your project, which has a close deadline. You cannot imagine that it is a co-worker on the corner. Maybe he is with friends and is involved in the discussion instead of flirting with a hottie.

9. You hate when he speaks highly of someone else

You hate and feel jealous when they praise someone less than you. You want me to just love you and ignore the rest of the world, that’s not going to happen. If you compliment your coworker on his intelligence, you are furious, don’t be a sign that you are jealous and want to control him, which is not good.

10. You want to control everything

If you control all the small incidence that happens in your relationship, it is because you only want to control your boyfriend. There are many small signs when you are trying to control, like organizing things your way in your shared apartment, or if your boyfriend is late for dinner, you are losing your cool. If he begins to think that you are the one in control of everything in the relationship, then he may feel that his role is irrelevant.

11. Jealous when he’s having fun without you

Who doesn’t like to have fun all the time, but situations and work pressure sometimes change the situation. In the real world, it is difficult to be happy all the time. But surely we should be happy if your boyfriend finds a little bit of fun in his everyday life. You shouldn’t be jealous of him having fun with the people in his life, it’s healthy for the relationship.


12. If you stalk someone who likes their posts

If a pretty girl or colleague happens to like your boyfriend’s post, you will endlessly chase every detail. You want to know if she’s just following him or flirting with him. Just forget about this. I like that some of the social networks do not define you or your thoughts. It’s just a casual comment. And that you like a photo on social media does not mean that you are cheating on someone, but rather they are signs of your lack of self-confidence.

13. Out of jealousy, you make him feel guilty

Jealousy is the feeling that can lead you to be controlling and insecure, so you are not happy when he receives a new opportunity in his life. Even if he gets the promotion, you will be jealous of his new secretary, which are signs of insecurity. Instead of being insecure, try to get excited about your achievement.


14. Pick up the signs of the little fight of jealousy

You will probably pick up thousands of little fights like not using the roller coaster. You will fight to grab the blanket. You will fight over wet towels on the bed. You will fight literarily for the dumbest things of all because you want to fight for your jealousy. These little fights are signs of jealousy and will affect your relationship sooner or later.

15. Challenge your decision

It doesn’t matter how satisfied your boyfriend is with the decision he’s made, but you envy him. You are always going to tear it down in every moment of your life. You always try to question his ability to make the decision and in the end, you suggest that he should have done something else. All of these are signs of sheer insecurity and envy. Rather be on your side and appreciate the decision you are making. Everything can be easily solved if you have a kind approach and have positive thinking. Your boyfriend doesn’t run after a lot of girls, but you should feel it and enjoy it instead of feeling jealous and insecure about it.