Difficult to get? 15 subtle signs she wants you to chase her

To chase or not to chase?

Only a dating newbie would agree that women can sometimes be complicated in their expressions of emotion. Sometimes they cry when what they really want to do is laugh. At another time, they really mean what they show or say. And for you boy, you get a little confused because what you expect is not what you see. Should you give up on that lady or go after her? Do not worry too much. Since most women share a lot in common when it comes to dating, all you have to keep in mind between you and her are a few signs. This way, you won’t have a hard time deciding whether to pursue her or not.

Never mind your friends, the chase is worth it

So, you are considering listening to your friends’ advice to let her go. After all, they say, there are many other alternatives. You don’t really need to go down that path. Quality relationships surely demand a quality effort. If you don’t chase, someone else will. And now that I think about it, we all pursue something in life, even things that are not essential at times.

So, don’t let your friends fool you in this regard. I followed your guts. But in doing so, there are some vital signs to watch out for to make sure you’re not chasing a lady for nothing. The truth is, most girls will give a guy they like plenty of opportunities to prove himself, even though they may be having some tough times. Here are 15 of these signs that once you notice a lady displaying them, all she says is “chase”.

1. She is not comfortable with you being too close to other ladies

When a woman likes you, even though she may be acting funny, she will still be protective. You are not going to earn her smiles by letting her know that you just finished chatting with another lady in the room. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions if you ever do that. She will be concerned that you are probably slipping out of her hands and greets him with a subtle protest.

When you notice this attitude repeating itself with her, she’s just playing rough and wants you to chase a bit before she gives you a warm yes! She is yours already. Probably nothing else can make you feel as uncomfortable as being with other women. She is definitely feeding some feelings for you. Just keep going by giving him the chase of his life.

2. Her generous smiles are a sign that she wants you to chase her

We are not talking about some random acts of courtesy here. Any woman would easily smile to make you feel comfortable talking to them or to show you a little respect. But when you discover that because of your remote appearance, she already relaxes every time the two meet boy, she just wakes up. It is one of the signs of approval. A sign that he’s telling you that your advances are welcome. If you’re not her type, your first and maybe last chance to see her white teeth would be the first day the two of you met. She would just want to let you know that she is not interested and one way to do that is to be frank whenever the two of you meet. Where many conservative men go wrong is assuming that women are kind with their very generous smiles. It is not true. A woman who has no affection for you does not have to always be nice to you. She is only indicating that you should try harder, perhaps to maintain her dignity.

3. Finding a way to always be close is one of the signs

So, do you keep finding the two of them bumping into each other often and you think they’re just mere coincidences? I beg not to agree. While coincidences are normal life experiences, when it becomes rampant in this case with a particular lady, you can be sure that it has gone beyond mere coincidence.

Women generally have a way of working things out, especially when it comes to their availability with a guy. They would like to provide the man they have feelings for as many opportunities and platforms as possible for that man to show his love for them. So get the right message when you see it very often. Don’t let the way it looks or looks scare you. She is always where you can notice her because she wants to make it possible for you to pursue her. Truth be told, a woman wouldn’t mind changing her location if it makes her nauseous but makes headway.

4. Her acceptance of your invitations is one of the many signs that he says he should pursue her

If a woman has feelings for you, she will give you a thousand and one reasons why she won’t honor your date invitations. You should even be grateful if she gives you a reason to decline your invitation. It is not customary for most women to agree to date men they have no feelings for.

So when four of your last five-date proposals have been awarded by a woman, what more signs are you waiting for? Let the chase begin! Rest assured that it would eventually be yours, regardless of the initial jokes or attitude displayed.

5. She is careful not to hurt your feelings

A girl who wants you to chase her, even though she may seem disinterested at some points, will be careful not to bother you. You can hear her frequently apologize for a perceived mistake and give extensive explanations about some of her actions.

Some of the things you are trying to explain may not be really offensive to you, but you know why you are doing it. He expects more action from you and I wouldn’t let his wickedness get in the way.

6. Looking good to attract you, is another sign

So, did you once tell her that you loved a certain hairstyle and that she’s been doing it lately? By no means are you subscribing just because it’s the latest trend in town or because your friends recommended you? You are the target. She is trying to send a message that you should pursue her.

Of course, that wouldn’t be written on his face and he definitely wouldn’t tell you that he did it for you, but as a man, you have to decode the message. When a woman is careful about how she looks, especially when she’s in your presence, she sees you as a prospect. Among other signs, it may show, this is one of the most unmistakable.

7. Deep and persistent eye contact is another sign

You can almost always guess what is going on in a lady’s mind by the way she looks at you. When she keeps looking at you with some kind of look that she remembers, it is a sign that she is about to fall or has already fallen in love with you. However, she won’t let her guard down that easily and because of this, she can take on a funny demeanor so you can chase her down.

It is up to you to take up the challenge and pursue it. His somewhat intense and incessant gaze towards you is an irrevocable sign of interest. Body language, like eye contact, is one of the most common means women use to communicate their interest in a man.

8. She gives you a window into her personality

A woman who wants you to chase her will give you a glimpse of what life would be like with her. She would want you to know that you are making a smart choice if you decide to pay the price which, of course, in this case, is to pursue her.

At times, it may take an interest in your career or show you a flash of attention. Those are opportunities that she allows you to take a look at what she is capable of offering. If she is not interested in you, it has nothing to do with how you feel or how you are doing at work.

9. She is inconsistent in her mood

So this woman has been in a bad mood with you and you wonder what could be wrong with her. They both talk and laugh at this moment and right the next moment, she’s avoiding you and probably acting like she doesn’t even know you. Doesn’t matter about her. She is just trying to get you to catch up and chase her. She knows that if she relaxes too much with you, you might take her less seriously and no one likes that. As such, she would retreat into her shell and allow him to pursue it. Most women do not give to men who are not interested in an audience, much less act in a nice way or live with them. They prefer to keep their attitude rigid against the boy so that he can clearly get the message that he is unwanted.

10. She subtly keeps you updated on her itinerary

As with everyone we care about, we love to let you know what our day will be like and what plans will keep us away from them for some time. A woman who expects something from you will not leave you in the dark regarding her movements and availability.

So if she constantly makes you aware of her daily or weekly plans, it’s one of those big signs that you can continue on the chase adventure. Nobody tells an enemy his movements, not even a woman.

11. She initiates contact with you

If for some reason you are unable to communicate and want you to pursue her, she will contact you endlessly, either through text messages or calls in the name of wanting to know if everything is okay with you. There is a burning desire associated with those calls or texts. She has feelings for you that her natural self cannot continue to deny.

So when you notice that a woman who seems uninterested in your proposal calls or texts you a few days after you’ve stopped talking to her, it’s a sign that she wants a chase. She has doubts as to whether you have retired or are still interested. Now it will be up to you to step up your game.

12. She shows signs that she misses you

Don’t be surprised if one of the common questions you ask whenever you meet is, “Do you miss me?” She really asks why she does it. And for you the dude, you need to pay close attention to this sign so that you don’t just take it as one of those usual questions.

She won’t take the question too seriously when I ask her, but she’s really serious about it. A very good way to answer is to answer yes and request an appointment right away. You are one step closer to getting their “yes” if you take this step.

13. She lets her friends know about you

You are her secret wish and she cannot keep it forever. If the opportunity presents itself, she wouldn’t mind telling her friends that she met a boy. So if you have the privilege of meeting his other friends who met you, you have the green light on so you can continue the chase.

14. She shows signs of irritation if you’re not acting fast

One way to determine if a woman wants you to pursue her is to observe her general attitude to you for a long time. If you refuse to play nice, she can get in a bad mood. As a result of disappointment, she gets upset with you in some way and tries to avoid it.

These strange acts of annoyance and discomfort are quickly reversed if you take the bull by the horns and play along. Frustration is the response of most women to unrequited gestures. It is a sign that they are almost getting fed up.

15. She shows signs that she craves your attention

Since she wants you to chase her, she knows that she has to give signals and signals so that you can understand the message well. Those signs, of course, would get your attention. She is getting into an argument where you are too, playing with her hair so you see how beautiful she is, or she is just getting closer to you.

Attention is an irrefutable law of attraction. Women, of course, know how to use the tool well when and if they want to. Once you notice that she’s subtly attracting your attention, it’s one of those signs that she’s telling you to take the game to the next level by taking her on the chase.


Although it is becoming increasingly outdated for a woman to subject the man of her dreams to the kind of games like having to chase her before saying yes, most women still employ this tactic. By looking at the above signs on her, you can easily tell if she’s not interested or if she just wants you to pursue her.