Fun Questions To Ask – A Great List That Will Lead To Very Fun Answers

Here are some really fun questions to ask and answer.

They cover all sorts of different subjects; so there are a few that will be perfect for you and the person you’re talking to.

We have a few more links to other questions to ask.

So don’t forget to check it out too.

Many of these questions have really funny answers and some are fun to discuss.

There are also some that could lead to a more interesting discussion, but they are few and far between.

List Of Fun Questions To Ask

Feel free to choose the ones you like best or go through them as a list.

Remember, the goal is not to ask all the questions, but to have a great conversation!

1. What would you name your boat/motorboat/yacht if you had one?

The 3 unsinkables?

The Water Cowboy?

Please don’t sink?

Your choice!

Also, what would it be like?

Do you want a motor yacht, a sailboat, or maybe a dinghy?

2. What is the closest thing to real magic?

With a new “smart” thing releasing almost every day, which products surprise and amaze you the most?

3. Who is the messiest person you know?

If your answer is “I don’t know messy people,” that means the answer is you.

You are the messiest person you know.

4. What will finally break the internet?

Take this question in a serious or funny direction, either way, you will surely get an interesting answer.

Maybe even have a good conversation.

5. What is the most useless talent you have?

You have one, we all have one.

I’m pretty good at estimating what time it is, or maybe it’s just confirmation bias.

6. What would be in the game of your life?

Those moments when the audience watching your life bursts into laughter.

7. Where’s the stinkiest place you’ve ever been?

Do you know that place where you almost threw up?

Yes, that place!

8. Which celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?

Great for guys or girls, see how your ideal type matches your friend’s.

And if you’re horrible with celebrity names like me, think of a movie or show they starred in.

9. What body part would you not mind losing?

You have many body parts!

There are certainly some you could give away though.

Who knows, maybe missing a few fingers will become a fashion statement!

10. What’s the dumbest way for you to get hurt?

Let’s face it, we’ve all had some injuries from less than worthy circumstances.

So let’s hear the stories!

Everyone loves a good, dignified story.

11. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?

Of course, it’s easy to focus on the exciting characters.

But how about showing the boring ones some love!

12. What are the best and worst purchases you’ve ever made?

Oh, we’ve all made some really bad purchases, so what’s yours?

And the best buy and where can I get one?

13. If you had to change your name, what would your new name be and why would you choose that name?

So how about?

Will you be Inigo Montoya or Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff?

Or maybe something a little more popular?

14. What are the things that seem like compliments but are actually insults?

In the line of humble bragging, but things you would say to your enemy.

15. What is your biggest mistake in the kitchen?

If you did this as a kid or as a disoriented college student, you had a serious problem in the kitchen.

So what happened?

16. What’s the worst commercial you’ve seen recently? why is he so bad?

It seems that some commercials are designed to be so annoying you can’t forget about them.

So what are some of the worst?

17. What’s the craziest thing your teachers have done?

I’m sure we’ve all had that teacher with a few screws loose, or the teacher who just lost his temper during class.

18. When did you screw up, but no one found out it was you?

What did you get away with?

How were you sneaky when you were younger?

Or was it something recent that you made a mistake and got away with?

19. What problem or situation did movies/TV make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t?

For me, it was quicksand.

That and the memory loss.

I’ve never met anyone who had complete memory loss or quicksand.

Of course, there are, but they happen a lot more on TV than in real life.

20. What phrase or saying do people say, but it’s complete nonsense?

One I think is “Love means never having to say sorry”.

You better apologize occasionally, or there’s a good chance they won’t love you for very long.

21. What is your brain trying to get you to do that you need to want not to do?

It can be as intense as the urge to jump from a high place.

Or as mild as trying to stop scratching a mosquito bite.

Or maybe just say something you shouldn’t at a really inopportune moment.

22. If you could know the absolute and total truth of a question, what question would you ask?

You can be serious or funny, it’s up to you.

It will be interesting anyway because we all have a lot of questions that we want answers to.

23. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?

Time to share that really cool article or the fact you found on the internet.

24. What ridiculous thing did someone make you do or believe?

We’ve all had our gullible moments, and everyone loves to hear about someone else’s embarrassment.

So ask and have fun!

25. If you were given a one-minute ad space in the Jornal Nacional commercial break that you couldn’t sell, what would you fill it with?

Will you change the world?

Annoy a lot of people?

inspire them?

Or just use it as a platform to further your own diabolical plans?