Here’s how each zodiac sign ruins their love life without even trying to do it

(March 21 to April 19)

You are wasting your life by falling in love with the toxic people who drain you. And when we succumb to people like them, we think we need it. But in reality, they are the ones who profit from someone like you at the cost of your own self-destruction.

(April 20 to May 21)

You ruin your love life by playing it safe and asking yourself. You don’t take risks when it comes to love for fear of being rejected as in the past. You care about the people you know you can get because it’s comfortable for you. But you deserve someone who scares you a little, not someone who is sure.

(May 22 to June 21)

You ruin your love life by lying to yourself about who and what you really want. Your inability to make a decision leaves you with a few options, but being frozen by the fear of taking the wrong ones prevents you from moving forward.

(June 22 to July 22)

You ruin your love life by not asking yourself what you want from a partner. A relationship is made up of two people who give and take equally, but when you constantly give and remain silent about your own wants and needs, you end up resenting the person. It is good to want to please people, but it is good to be sometimes selfish.

(July 23 to August 22)

You ruin your love life by hiding what you feel. You think emotions are making you weak. You think crying and being vulnerable is abnormal. You reject those kinds of feelings that you don’t even know how to express. For this reason, you are attracted to people who are very emotional, but the problem lies in your inability to understand and meet them emotionally halfway.

(August 23 to September 22)

You are ruining your love life by looking for a perfect partner. You have this list in your head that no one seems to be able to match. No matter how hard people try or if they love you, what you are striving for is something you miss. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.

(September 23 to October 22)

You ruin your love life by not seeing people for what they really are. You want to believe that everyone has good intentions, but you take it out on people who show you that they are not good, but you are blind.

(October 23 to November 22)

You are ruining your love life by not letting people in or by giving anyone a chance. You seem to trust only yourself, which is a good quality to have, but when you exclude the right people for fear of vulnerability, you miss the basic emotions that everyone shows, but you think that it is a sign of weakness.

(November 23 to December 21)

You ruin your love life by thinking that you should always be the strongest. You are beautiful and not only because of your appearance, it is who you are that captivates the hearts of so many people. And you think you should manage everything on your own. It’s normal to admit that we sometimes need help. That’s what a partner is for. I think you’ve been strong for too long. You deserve the same deep love and affection that you gave to someone else at some point, but you deserve to give it to yourself too. When you love yourself as you love everyone, I promise someone will follow this example.

(December 22 to January 20)

You ruin your love life by caring more about what people think of the person you are with than what they are. If it makes you happy, you have to realize that it’s enough.

(January 21 to February 18)

You are ruining your love life by trying to use people to fill your own empty spaces in your own heart. Doing that doesn’t fill you up and since you’re going from one person to another, what you don’t realize is that no matter how many people love you and care about you, you have to feel that for yourself -even.

(February 19 to March 20)

You ruin your love life by chasing the same type of people who hurt you. Madness is doing the same thing and expecting different results. The biggest loss is the people you choose. Because you deserve more than you are happy with.