How do I know if my lover is in love with me?

Are you in an extramarital relationship and have you ever wondered, “What can I do to be exclusive to my lover?”  How do I know if my lover is in love with me?

You must have already asked yourself what the ideal behavior might be to indicate this, that is if he only wants you for his life.
Falling in love is something magical. Someone who until recently was a perfect stranger becomes an essential person in your life, who will give you fantastic sensations and moments.
Although sometimes the idea of ​​not being sure that the person next to us has the same feelings as us can scare us, falling in love with someone who doesn’t reciprocate can make your life very sad and difficult, isn’t it?

8 signs to know if my lover is in love with me:

1 – He wants to spend all his time with you

Is he interested in spending all of his time with you, regardless of your family obligations? That’s a good sign that he can’t live without you because you become a priority for him.
Plus, he’s willing to be with you even if your hobbies aren’t fun in his opinion.

2 – He treats you in a special way

How do I know if my lover is in love with me?
Even if your life or his is very busy, and even if he has little free time, he will find time to devote to you.
In practice, if he is busy in the morning and afternoon, but manages to organize himself and dedicate time in the evening, then this is a good indication that he is in love.

3 – He keeps you informed and cares about your opinion

It keeps you in the loop on what you’re doing and how your life is going. That is, he takes into account your opinion and your feelings.

For example, if he can’t take your calls or your texts for a few hours, as soon as he’s free he’ll want to explain. Something like: “I was very busy with clients and I couldn’t get back to you sooner”.

This is because he doesn’t want to give you the idea that you are insignificant to him or that he wants to ignore you.

4 – He tells the truth

How do I know if my lover is in love with me? Still, having this doubt?

We can usually measure a person’s behavior by looking at what he says and then how he behaves: actions speak louder than words.
In the case of a man in love, his actions will match and respect the words spoken. That is, words and actions convey the same message.
You can often find yourself in front of people who say one thing but act in another way. In this case, an inconsistency occurs.
If a person you love behaves this way, it is difficult to decipher their messages, to really understand what their feelings are and what they want to communicate.

5 – He misses you and can’t wait to see you

He feels a constant connection even when you’re not around and his thoughts often turn to you.

This results in behavior where he wants to communicate via text for example.

That is, he writes you sweet messages or sends you photos, music, or links.

Or, he’s eager to share something funny that happened to him. All this shows that he is attached to you.

He can also communicate this feeling in words. For example: “I miss you, I really want to see you”.

6 – He remembers what you like

How to know if my lover is in love with me in this case?

Does he take into account what you want, what you like, and what makes you happy?
If the man loves you, he will avoid doing those things that irritate or annoy you.
Besides, he’ll want to surprise you precisely because he knows what your tastes are, whether it’s preparing a special dinner or doing simple things like playing your favorite music in the car.

7 – He wants to plan a future with you

He includes you in terms of future possibilities and in his plans and wants to go through life with you.
Maybe he plans his next summer vacation on a deserted beach or on a mountain climbing adventure.
Falling in love with a married woman can be difficult to manage, but using the word “we” instead of “I” can make a big difference and can give you an idea of ​​what his feelings are and how he sees you in his life. life.
If he asks what you think, it means he’s interested in your opinion about a future possibility he’d like to have you present.

8 – He wants to introduce you to people he knows

Finally, the last tip, but not least.
He wants to introduce her to the people he knows. It means that he is proud and happy in this relationship and wants to share this joy with others too.
So, you managed to answer the question: how do I know if my lover is in love with me? Are there any other signs that you consider important in addition to the ones mentioned above?


The fact of having a lover sometimes makes you think about ways to make him break up with you and this situation can make you feel bad in the eyes of another person.
Imagine then if he is married, you will certainly find yourself wondering if it is wrong to fall in love with a married man, but it is difficult to control the feelings and I imagine that you did not choose to have that feeling deliberately.

Know that in this matter of betrayal it is much more normal than it seems, a study says that 50% of Brazilian men have already betrayed their wives or girlfriends.

Now it’s up to you to decide how to play your love life.

Good luck, and please share this article.