How do you know he is the right one? The 5 signs that never deceive …

It is well known: women are big cerebrals, and as soon as they meet a man with whom the current flows well, their brain starts to reel at 3000 revolutions per minute, and they ask themselves 10,000 questions to try to know if it’s really HIM.
To help you, Here are 5 simple questions that will allow you to know that indeed, he is THE right one …

He soothes you

When a relationship does not do us good, we feel disturbed, not really comfortable in our shoes, and we tell ourselves that at the slightest misstep or the next fight, we have a one in two chance of becoming single again… Youhou!
When you find THE right one, your relationship immediately gains in serenity: with the other, you feel safe all the timeAnd even when there are little hiccups between you, you know that as soon as you have to face an obstacle, you will stand together, because you are a real team. Suddenly, there is neither crisis of confidence, nor taboo subject between you …
Sure, it’s really soothing!

You don’t have to speak to understand yourself

It’s silly, but when you’re super in tune with a person, you don’t even need to finish your sentences: either the other will have understood what you want to say without needing to formulate with words, or he will have finished our sentence before we have had time to finish it!
Thinking the same things at the same time, wanting the same things at the same time, it proves that we are really in connection with the other … And when such alchemy occurs in a couple, he must surely be the right one!

All is not always rosy between you, but …

It is not because he is the Man in your life that between you two, it will always be the world of Care Bears! On the contrary: when you mess up, he doesn’t hesitate to tell you. But not for free to bring you down; rather to stimulate you and make you evolve!
It is very healthy to experience ups and downs in a relationship; because even when you are convinced that you have found a soul mate, it is normal to sometimes feel disappointed by the other, and not always to be 100% on the same wavelength.
The bottom line is that even if you don’t always agree on everything, you know that in the background you have the same goals in life and that your ambitions match. Always have the same outlook on things, no, but see the world through the same eyes, yes!

Time goes by, and nothing breaks

When a relationship begins, it is the “honeymoon” period: tenderness, increased fusion and complicity, and above all 24/7 s**x! But hey, unfortunately, when this period ends and real life takes hold, the waking dream ends. And when couples are not strong enough, their relationship does not hold up …
A couple that is built to last is a couple that manages to (on) live in daily life and in the routine, without train-train does not get the better of his beautiful complicity. So if even after the end of the honeymoon, you feel your wings grow when he looks at you, your heart races when he takes your hand, he still manages to surprise you and you tell yourself that the more time passes, the stronger your relationship becomes is an extremely good sign …

Deep inside you feel it …

If when you look at the other, you feel a little something really special, you hear a very small voice telling you “it’s HIM”, no need to go look for noon to two o’clock … it ‘ is that it’s him!
Love is like that: often, we feel things without being able to explain them. So if when you see it you feel deep inside that this is it, it is THE right one, try not to take your head too much, and live the moment to the fullest!