How to know when to leave your partner, 11 signs to break the relationship

One would like a loving relationship forever, but relationships are over. How do you know when to leave your partner that you loved so much? Now we will see the signs that indicate that it is time to break up your relationship. A relationship that gave you a lot of happiness, but without a future.

How do you know if you should leave your partner, what has to be happening? Romantic relationships are a very complex set of emotions. At first everything is love or blind love, because you cannot love what you do not know. Later, time passes, they know each other more and some accept each other and others finish.

Time does not wear down the love of a couple, time discovers that it is not about love, but about attachment or expectations. Relationships begin with attraction, not love. Love is built day by day accepting, respecting their differences and improving self-love.

There is no communication and if there is it is more to complain and express concerns

The worst problem in a relationship is the lack of emotional communication. They may not speak to each other, but looking at each other, making love gestures, having details, etc., counts as communication. When there is discomfort to say something to your partner, it is because the connection is bad, it is toxic.

One of the reasons to think about leaving your partner is that toxic behavior that makes communication uncomfortable. It is very simple to see how toxic other people are, but accepting that our relationship is toxic is difficult. When there is no communication, toxicity is always mutual and it is best to find a drastic solution.

If there is no emotional intimacy, it is better to leave your partner and have illusions again


Sometimes you have to leave your partner even loving her. Emotional intimacy is much more than physical intimacy, as it compromises the relationship more and unites it more strongly. If there are no more conspiratorial glances, laughter, long conversations, plans, emotional support, etc., there is no loving passion as a couple.

If there is no emotional intimacy , where is your mind, where is your attention? Do not blame, you are part of this complex problem. One of the signs that you should break up with your partner is the lack of that magic where a look says everything. When there is love, no words are needed, just a subtle look.

They begin to show themselves in a bad way, the defects more than the qualities


Happy couples also have problems and argue, but they focus on solving the problem. If in your case a small problem triggers heated arguments, complaints, resentments, etc., there are many accumulated problems. Procrastination is a time bomb.

Loving a person means appreciating the good things and accepting the bad. If you love, thank you, you don’t make a dramatic scene for a small incident. At the beginning, each other’s defects are ignored. But as time goes by, love is built with details. But if instead of details there are complaints, there is no point in continuing.

When love progresses, it is more and more fun, and if it doesn’t happen, how to continue?


I want to leave my partner because everything has become very boring and routine. This is a very common complaint in couples who do not understand that love is a daily construction. Not everything has to go well in a relationship, but if each improves their self-esteem they can overcome their problems.

If you always hope that your partner is the engine of your happiness, it will not last. Happy couples have common rituals like watching movies at certain times, reading, cooking together every so often, etc. If one of you starts to miss these dates where you enjoy together, something is wrong.

If mutual trust and security disappears, it’s time to think about leaving your partner

Lack of non-verbal communication and lack of emotional intimacy lowers security and trust. If they no longer look at each other, if they no longer laugh or joke, what are they focusing on? If your partner is no longer your priority, something is wrong. Any infidelity? They solve the problem or break permanently.

How to leave my partner little by little? They can take time apart to clarify their lives. Trust is the foundation of a loving relationship. They cannot continue if there is no transparency in every detail. Lack of trust is one of the signs that you should end your relationship now.

They have realized that they no longer have the same plans, dreams and values


How to know when to end a relationship? If you don’t love yourself well, you won’t know if your relationship is progressing or failing. What a person wants is to achieve their dreams, do what they love and it is very motivating when your partner shares these things. You feel inspired, able to conquer the world.

They don’t have to have the same dreams, plans, and values, but they do have to want to go the same path together. These things become evident over time and if they do not happen, the relationship loses its charm. It is when you think about leaving your partner because you no longer feel yourself.

Clear signs that indicate the end of a relationship: Do not see it in your future

How to leave my partner little by little? If you stop making plans with him for your future, you will gradually withdraw emotionally. But why would you? If you feel better when you are not with him, it is a sign that the common things that united them have started to disappear. They laugh less, plan less, etc.

The lack of commitment, complicity and intimate games are signs that indicate that you should break up with your partner. If you want to endure that lack of chemistry, you may have emotional dependency. In this case, things are going to get worse, living together will be more painful and the breakup more traumatic.

Disrespect is one of the signs that you should leave your partner right now

In a loving relationship with a couple, lack of respect, however minimal, should not be tolerated. They are supposed to be united by love and if there is no respect there is no love either. Couples where there is verbal violence are a consequence of low self-esteem. There is a strong emotional dependence.

Neither is an ideal person. There is no perfect partner, you cannot demand that your partner be to your liking or he to you. How to make the decision to leave your partner? Respect for your person, your life, dignity. Problems are resolved with respect. If they don’t know how to respect they learn quickly or the relationship ends.

If your friends and your family don’t like your partner, what do they care, but listen

Your friends and family do not count to approve your partner, with you is enough, but. It is normal for friends and family to feel some jealousy of your partner and gossip. All that does not count to build a good love with the person you chose as a partner, but.

Should you leave your partner because your friends and family don’t like it? If your partner limits you from going out with your friends and family, don’t allow it. If your friends ask you, do you like how he treats you? Listen to them. Many times one does not realize a toxic relationship or verbal or psychological abuse.

If you or your partner talk and fantasize about other people, they are in a danger zone

When there is no love in the relationship, you look elsewhere. This is very common and should not be a reason to leave your partner, but to return to love. If it doesn’t work and each one continues on their own, seeking satisfaction in other arms, there is no point in continuing together.

Do not get hurt, if there is a lack of communication and intimate emotions, the next thing is to look for it elsewhere. Accept this reality and reflect if you want to return. If despite your efforts passion does not return, do not hurt yourself more. A healthy separation will be the best.

When they stop spending quality time alone it means that love dies

Lack of love manifests itself in many ways and you can only realize it when you practice loving yourself. If you don’t feel like spending time sharing together anymore, what do you want? Obviously, this does not mean that they will end the relationship immediately, but they will return to love immediately.

The repeated lack of complicity spending time together is one of the most obvious signs to think about breaking the relationship. It all starts with “I have a job”, “I am busy”, “I am tired”, etc. But when there is commitment to cultivating love with that person, there is time.

In short, couple love is a daily and spontaneous construction of the two. If that commitment to build happiness together disappears, what is the point of continuing? It is not a relationship problem, it is a people problem that you have to solve whether you separate or not.

How to know when to leave your partner, 11 signs to break the relationship

1. There is no communication and if there is, it is more to complain and express concerns
2. If there is no emotional intimacy, it is better to leave your partner and have illusions again
3. They begin to show themselves in a bad way, the most defects that qualities
4. When love progresses, it is more and more fun, and if it does not happen, how to continue?
5. If mutual trust and security disappears it is time to think about leaving your partner
6. They have realized that they no longer have the same plans, dreams and values
7. Clear signs that indicate the end of a relationship: No you see it in your future
8. Lack of respect is one of the signs that you should leave your partner right now
9. If your friends and family don’t like your partner, what do they care, but listen
10. If you or your partner talk and fantasize about other people they are in a danger zone
11. When they stop spending quality time alone it means that love dies