How to make him jealous: the little guide

Jealousy is a powerful love engine. To be sure to keep your Jules, he must secretly fear losing you one day. This is why, sometimes, to be in perfect harmony with your partner, you will have to arouse his jealousy and awaken his instinct for ownership. How to do? Here are 5 tips to learn how to make him jealous.

1. Make sure your Jules really has feelings for you. If this is not the case, you will have a lot of trouble making him jealous, but don’t give up! No man can remain insensitive if he feels he has a rival. A touch of jealousy could just awaken his feelings …

2. Make your life as you see fit. Go out when you want, do the activities that you enjoy. If you are busy having fun and living your life the way you want, you will have a little less time for your partner, and he will inevitably start to be jealous!

If you are trying to make this stupid ex who dared to leave you jealous, this is the best technique. By adopting this attitude, you show your independence. And even if this technique fails, you will have fun and will certainly feel better about yourself.

3. Flirt with other men. Nothing makes a man more jealous than when he sees the woman who interests him or with whom he is in a relationship flirting with others. The majority of men are competitive and it is enough that another male turns around you for you to take even more value in their eyes!

4. Keep in touch with men. It is not necessarily a matter of continuing to go on romantic dates. You must tickle the jealousy of your partner without necessarily having to blame you for anything. This is why you have to know how to maneuver finely! Maintain friendships with men and make sure that Jules knows about it. He will never be more in love than when you return after having a drink with one of these friends.

5. Give him cold sweats. If you are still available to him, you will lose part of your mystery, but it is this mystery that creates jealousy. Don’t always answer calls, be vague about what you do, the people you see. Even if you end up telling him what you did with your day, leave him in doubt for a few hours, you will see the result …

Now you have all the keys to how to make him jealous! Jealousy is a powerful weapon to awaken passions and arouse desire. But beware, it should be used sparingly. By trying too hard to place your companion in an unstable atmosphere, he may tire or think that you are really cheating on him. Know how to carefully dose the mystery!

And you girls, what are your tricks to make him jealous?