How to Make Your Husband Miss You: 9 Simple Ways!

Many women have asked me, “ How can I make my husband miss me? 

There is an emptiness when we are away from our husbands and it makes us miss them.

We miss them for their company, the way they act, and the things they do.

In this article, I will show you some simple tips on how to make your husband miss you!

But before I start, I need to tell you about an extremely powerful strategy to make your husband miss you terribly and give you his undivided attention…

This strategy is based on a curious aspect of male psychology and was scientifically proven not long ago.

It’s a secret few women know about, capable of activating a trigger in his mind (and making men miss him MUCH faster)

Once you can get inside a man’s mind as this technique teaches, it’s possible to create really intense connections.

With that said, let’s get to today’s article…

How to make your husband miss you?

To make him miss you, you should start giving him ice little by little. Make him realize he’s losing you and show a certain indifference about it. When you pay a lot of attention and are extremely affectionate, your husband ends up not valuing you and he becomes more and more distant from you.

“Whoever offers something of great value will always be missed when he is away”

Women are powerful and few know it.

We can occupy our man’s mind by the way we look and even the things we do.

You can plant your memory in your man’s heart when you can offer value that cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Usually, most women tend to express that they miss being with their partners, but men don’t always talk about it much.

To make him miss you is going to take a little more than that…

Your partner may miss you as you miss them, but they may not be as expressive as you are about it.

If you want your husband to tell you he misses you, then check out these tips to make him miss you (especially when you’re not with him)

When other people always feel your presence, they may not miss you and may even take you for granted, which can be very bad for the relationship.

To keep the relationship active and healthy, partners need some attention from each other. If you feel like your spouse isn’t giving you enough attention, here are some ways to make him miss you when you’re not around.

Remember, this isn’t about mind games, it’s about how you can subtly change your behavior without any negative intentions.

How to make your husband miss you and want you back:

1. Sometimes keep something of your own close by

Yes, leave a memento of you in his backpack when you’re traveling, leave post-its or even wear his perfume when he’s around. This will surely make him miss you and run after you.

As humans, when we see someone else’s things around us, we are reminded of them. This is one of the easiest things to do, make your man miss you.

When you’re at his house or in his car, try to leave something of your own behind. It could be your lipstick, hair clip, or your favorite earrings.

Make sure you leave something that makes them remember you in a good and not an unpleasant way. Now you’re learning more about how to make your husband miss you.

2. Celebrate, even if it’s not your birthday

Take time to praise him. Appreciate him for who he is to you and how wonderful he has been to you.

Make him his favorite soup, or just make him a cake, or any of his snacks that you know he likes, anything he can have with him for a few days. Whenever he eats a portion of what you cook or prepare, he will surely think of you and would like to have you by his side.

This is certainly one of the ways to make your husband miss you.

3. Have intriguing conversations

Start an interesting conversation with your partner, probably something intriguing about your past. But don’t reveal everything to him.

Just tell him enough to get involved and then leave the rest for another day.

You can always end a conversation midway by saying you need to join a meeting or take another call. Take your time before getting back to the subject.

If he misses you then he will text or call you soon to continue the conversation about you. This is one of the ways to make your husband miss you.

4. Have fun with your friends

Don’t always get attached to your partner, no matter how deep your relationship is. She takes time from each other and spends quality time with her friends and family.

Also, post some pictures of you having fun with other people. He may have been too busy to notice you lately, but when he sees those pictures on social media, he might realize how much fun you guys had together and want to spend more time with you. This can help you make him miss you from afar.

5. Try to be independent

Interdependence is normal when you’re in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean you should give up your independence.

When you’re independent, you don’t always need to be by your man’s side, and when you’re not, he’s sure to miss you.

The truth is, every man misses it when it’s over.

In every relationship, partners should have their own space, and this attribute makes the relationship stronger and will keep you and your partner connected even when you’re out and about.

Be a woman who is also hardworking and your man will be proud of you too.

6. Spend a memorable time when you are together

Memories play a vital role when people are far away from each other. Good memories can help you build a lasting relationship. So whenever you’re together, make sure you spend some time without fighting or arguing.

Create good, happy times that your partner will want. This will ensure that he misses you when you are away.

7. Be yourself 100% of the time

You don’t have to be someone else to be liked or loved by other people. Be who you are; don’t give up your true self when you’re with your partner.

Pretending to be someone you’re not in a bad habit for long-term relationships. Only when you put your qualities and distinctive traits at stake in the relationship will your partner miss you when you are away.

8. Own your fragrance

Certain smells and fragrances remind us of some people. Do you have a specific perfume or perfume that you like to wear? If so, you can try using it to make him think of you.

Choose a good perfume and use it whenever you find it. So the next time he smells the same perfume anywhere, he’ll think of you. It could even be the fragrance of your soap or even the fresher air you use, which when he notices somewhere else, reminds him of you.

9. Give him freedom

You may want to spend every minute and every hour with your loved one. Stay in touch with him, but keep your distance at the same time.

Let him be alone and do what he loves to do.

Every man loves his space, but when you give him space and time to be alone, he gets tired of the loneliness and wants to come back to you sooner or later. Every man craves his “alone time” and when you don’t take up his space, it makes him respect and loves you even more.

How to make your husband miss you is something you don’t need to stress about; there are other simple ways to make him miss you.

In the midst of all this, surprise him whenever you find him, or whenever possible. You can cook something for him or bring him gifts, decorate his room or take him to a beautiful place.

These small but romantic gestures will make him even more connected to you.

So when you’re not around, he’ll miss you.