If It Really Was True Love, It Will Find A Way Back

As physical as it is, love is mostly psychological – we find it hard to let go of some things.

Especially when those things are people who were incredibly important to us.

There are people in our lives who have had such a tremendous impact on us – the individuals we have become – that completely giving up on them would mean giving up a part of ourselves.

It is one thing to excommunicate your past lover, but changing the person you have become is not possible.

Sure, you can keep making other changes, fill in the cracks, create a new foundation, and create new cracks to cover up the old ones, but the scars will always be there no matter what happens from now on.

When everything you’ve become is thanks to that person you had to part with, letting go of that person and forgetting about them, realistically isn’t going to happen.

Those gaps will always be there, and if they haven’t been filled perfectly by someone else, your mind may well figure out a way to fill them in by the original creator.

A great love experience puts anything less into your pocket.

Think of the best slice of pizza you’ve ever had or the best, plump, juicy peach you’ve ever had.

Now tell me how disappointed you are every time you take a bite of a different pizza or a different peach and it doesn’t live up to that memory?

People don’t just live in the moment.

We live in the moment, the future, and the present.

Everything we participate in, experience or consume is compared to everything similar that we have already experienced, as well as to what, at a certain point, we expected ourselves to experience.

It’s funny, but generally speaking, life is full of disappointments.

Many of them are small, as in the example above.

Others, however, are much bigger disappointments.

When we start dating someone new, we start separating them, comparing them to that individual we think was “the best we ever had”.

When we broke up with that person, we promised ourselves that we would find better… so we try to find better.

Anything that falls short just won’t do.

A big problem is a fact that our memories don’t always match the reality of the past – we often remember things more colorfully than they really were.

This makes falling in love with someone new difficult.

Very few can meet such unrealistic standards.

Unfortunately, we often don’t understand what we’ve lost until we’ve lost it.

Understanding how much you really love someone can take time.

You can fall in love with someone without fully understanding why you love them.

You can spend hours, months, and years together without fully appreciating what this person means to you.

You may be smart, but understanding exactly what someone adds to your life while being a part of your life is tricky.

You only fully understand the importance of an individual when that person is removed from your life.

When it comes to life, human beings are like children playing with electronics.

They love their gadgets and are fascinated by trying to figure out how everything works.

They want to understand how each individual piece makes the whole trinket do what it’s supposed to do.

Unfortunately, what each lever, cable, and key does is not always obvious.

Sometimes the only way to find out how useful something is is to remove it completely and see what happens.

When you lose someone you once loved, you may well realize that life without that person just doesn’t work out the way it should.

If that’s the case, you can’t blame yourself for wanting that person back – it’s natural.

When you love someone so deeply that you can’t let them go, the world has a way of bringing you together again.

If love exists as a tangible substance, which many seem to believe in, then it seems logical that true love must prevail.

I can’t say I understand exactly how this works, or if it’s just an illusion, but in my experience – and the experience of countless others – we often get exactly what we need.

These are the things we spend so much time focusing on, thinking about, and fanaticizing about, that often emerge almost as if they are flowing from a force greater than ourselves.

Whether the hand of fate is pushing us in the direction or if we are almost unconsciously moving towards a goal without understanding what we are, that love has a way of coming back.

When you love someone so deeply that that person affects your everyday decision-making, it’s not unthinkable that with every decision you find yourself one step closer to the arms of your soulmate, your true love.

Regardless of what you believe or not, when it comes to love, you need to have a little faith.

With a little faith and love in your heart, miracles can happen.