It’s official ! Men who marry chubby women are 10 times happier

We live in a world where the woman’s body is often reduced to a cultural show open to the public, subject to all eyes, all criticism and all judgments. In a society where the woman is stereotyped at a size 36, endless legs and possibly a pretty cleavage. As magazines, billboards and even your “feed” Instagram constantly remind you how much you are not “perfect”, it is increasingly difficult to accept you, to please and especially to please you as you are. Nevertheless, it would be high time to free yourself from all these pre-established standards that do not reflect your, our reality. In addition, know that your curves are rather an asset,

Ladies, it is important that you understand that your femininity does not stop at a number on a scale, that the representation of the woman is not the one we want to dictate to you and that you, and only you, have the freedom to conceive your femininity as you wish. 

You are the woman you want to be 

Slimming diets, limited sizes in stores, advertising posters, dictates of fashion … Everything suggests that being beautiful is being slim. Not only is it false, but it is especially completely absurd. Because far from matching the standards, an average French has shapes, and would measure about 165 cm for 63 kg. 

When sizes stop at 42 in traditional stores and you see the women around you, you immediately understand how sad the paradox with reality is. In addition, these rigid ideals induce prejudicial and especially dangerous standards of thinness, the physical and psychological consequences of this social pressure can be dramatic on some women.

Thus, some of them are forced to self-injure themselves with extreme privation and regimes to resemble an abstract, absurd and whimsical ideal. Because yes ladies, the woman with perfect measurements does not exist. And anyway, what is a perfect body? And by what right can we allow to designate if you are eligible to enter the criteria of beauty?

You will be beautiful only if you feel beautiful and will be desirable only if you accept yourself as you are. Take care of yourself, accept yourself, love yourself and be the woman you want to be, because that’s just how you will please others. 

Moreover, contrary to popular belief, many men prefer voluptuous women and a study has just shown that men who marry women chubby would be much happier.

A chubby woman will make you happier 

According to our colleagues in the DailyTimes, a study published in the Argentine newspaper Nuevodiario states that men who have relationships with chubby women tend to smile more often than those who are with thin women. Moreover, they would be more balanced in their lives, and would be better able to solve their problems rationally. 

Indeed, research suggests that thin women would tend to be more reserved, more hostile and less enterprising than those with curves. They would also be less expressive and have trouble sharing their emotions. Thus, round women would allow their partners to be 10 times happier and according to the study, the happier they would be, the longer they would live. 

In addition, it seems that stress is changing the classic stereotype that men prefer thin women. According to ABC news, scientists who did not participate directly in the research confirmed the results, which were consistent with earlier findings that stress would change our thinking. In other words, the more we are stressed the more our perception of things changes. 

In other words, a happy and balanced man will understand that your curves are not fat, they are simply loving, generosity and tenderness!