Letter to the man who finally taught me what I really deserved

When I met him, I was at a turning point in my life. I had just broken up a few months earlier and this breakup had devastated me. I was lost, broken and absolutely closed to any new meeting.

But I was just starting to rediscover the pleasure of living. I was reconnecting with happiness little by little.

I was very surrounded. My family and friends were there for me and they helped me a lot in my healing process. In short, I was doing my best to distract myself, occupy myself and rebuild myself after a painful story whose end had been just as painful.

I was closed to any new meeting

I was “happy”, but alone, in the closed world in which I had locked myself. I was in a period of my life when loneliness was a source of joy. I got to know myself and live for myself. I was only focused on my own future.

But you have arrived.

You were kind, gentle, protective, respectful and funny to die of! I could see your awkwardness from the first day! You were also a mature, frank and sociable man. In short, everything that the men in my life had never been.

It only took us a few hours for something to pass between us. As a strong and preexisting link to our meeting. But for me, this nascent relationship could only be friendly. I just don’t think I was ready.

I was focused on myself and my happiness. I had no idea of ​​being in a relationship with someone at all. After my breakup, I felt like no man could ever deserve to enter my life.

A man who persevered

You haven’t given up. You stayed. You never stopped chatting with me, sharing life stories, confiding in your values ​​and principles, etc. You told me about your goals, your desires, and your tastes. You did not hesitate to confide in your embarrassing moments, your failures and your fears.

And quickly, without my noticing it, I in my turn found myself confiding in you. I had lowered my guard without being aware of it.

You had become my best friend. What a great feeling…

And that’s where I asked myself the question: isn’t that how the most beautiful love stories start? By a story of friendship above all? Can’t you fall madly in love with your best friend?

In any case, this was happening to me. I fell gradually and without knowing it in love with you. I was not even fully aware of his emerging feelings, but already very strong and intense.

“Love will fall on you when you least expect it”

This is what people often say. I was told and I didn’t really believe it. For me, it was just one more blue flower shot!

However, it couldn’t be truer in my case. I met this wonderful man when I least expected it. At a time when my only concern was myself. But when you think about it, it’s pretty logical.

We are so taken up with our lives, by our friends, our family and our work that fate has all the space necessary to play matchmakers!

Because after my breakup, I was in the perspective of living, of simply living. To get rid of all judgments, all constraints and to live for me. And that’s where the magic happens. As if out of nowhere, she bewitched us without warning. And there is nothing more beautiful in life.

To you who came into my life when I was looking for nothing

I was not looking to meet someone. I didn’t really know what I deserved. My love stories had all been so painful that I also didn’t really know what a healthy, balanced relationship looked like.

But you arrived and you taught me all these things that I had always deserved. And I never thought I would be so lucky.

I did not know that love could heal when it had only broken me. 

But there’s one thing I know, one thing I’m sure of … I wasn’t looking for someone and I don’t think you are either. But fate, on the other hand, sought to cross our paths and bring us together. Because when I look at us today, all I see is that we are made to be together.

I say thank you and above all, I tell you once again that I love you.