Long distance relationships: six good reasons to keep going!

With summer and the summer holidays, it is well known, hearts flutter. The beautiful blond surfer gushing out from his wave, the beautiful brunette swaying in the nightclub, the attractive camping neighbor or the charming hostess of the little brother’s colo ‘.

Yes, but as our parents sang: “when the end of summer comes on the beach, you have to leave each other …”.

Only times have changed. No more old desperate letter to dad or the poor monthly phone call that never arrives. Today, with the Internet and mobile phones, summer love can extend beyond the fall.

Then begins a long-distance relationship. Often synonymous with tears and depression, these loves are surely the most difficult to manage. So should we flee them like Francis Lalanne’s last album? Especially not!

Besides, Seducing a man gives you six good reasons to accept the next separation and live it better.

1. The distance will allow you to know what you really feel for the other and – especially – what the other feels for you

Because the beautiful prince charming of the beach can very quickly appear as a simple swamp predator who does not give any sign of life once he joined his territory.

Just as the fiery blaze of passion that ignited you for two months for the “woman of your life” can suddenly turn out to your eyes to have been nothing but a flash in the pan that died out as quickly as it never lit.

However, no regrets to have, you have lived your “thing” thoroughly. And who knows, you might have come across the right one? And that!

2. We know that it takes time to build a relationship.

Time and certainties. Is the other one interested in us for good reasons? It is a question always present at the beginning of a relationship.

And what better response from your sweetheart than spending most of his free time chatting with you or shooting his package to find out everything about your day and tell you how much he loves you?

In short, over time, security and confidence will be ingrained in you and this will only strengthen your love for your partner.

3. No “four to six”

(this intoxicating niche where we see the other more often) in a distance relationship. The routine does not exist. Every moment spent on the net or on the phone is a pure moment of happiness.

From morning to evening, we wait for these moments and when they arrive we appreciate them, taste them, savor them with delight. Neither fuss nor shouting, everything is only sweet words and attention.

4. As amazing as it may seem, a long-distance relationship can change a man

The situation calls for virtues of courage and patience that one does not necessarily have.

But when there is no choice, there is no other way than change. A real mutation then begins.

No more insignificant whims and all kinds of nonsense, assuming a long-distance relationship mean accepting the fact that you can’t have everything at any time. A long-distance relationship is certainly maturing.

5. Even if separation and distance are sometimes difficult to bear, true friends will always be there to help us.

Confident (s), support, adviser (s), they will be there to encourage us to stay the course. The situation will only strengthen the friendship that binds us to these people so important in our lives.

And then, this circle of loved ones will have only one idea: to meet this ideal being who haunts our thoughts and no doubt they will be able to welcome this person so special to our hearts with open arms.

6. The reunion!

Finally! What better time when you have been languishing for days, weeks, months while finally finding your arms?

Even a single day spent together takes on the appearance of endless romance. We live these moments a hundred an hour, trying to appreciate every second.

There is nothing more intense than these moments. And then even if we have to say “goodbye” again, we can always console ourselves by thinking of the next reunion which will necessarily be more beautiful.