Love activities and games – Long distance relationship

Do you love each other but the distance separates you? Even if this situation is difficult, you can take advantage of your “separation” by creating small games, by making little mutual surprises or by learning to discover yourself a little more.
We, therefore, offer you a list of little things to do for a more original distance relationship!
This will notably prevent you from limiting yourself to traditional texts, emails or telephone calls and will give a little boost to your couple and your love.

Watch a program or film “together”

Most remote couples like to watch the same movie at the same time and stay in touch to comment on it (by phone, SMS). Do not hesitate to rent a film that you like mutually and watch it simultaneously!
Likewise, you can listen to the radio or music together.

Riddle texting

If you have a playful spirit, send “riddle” texts that your companion will have to try to solve before evening!

Play online games

Also if you are both players, play online games together in the evening. It will also be a good opportunity to communicate together via Skype for example.

Read a book together

What could be more original and relaxing than reading a book to each other in the evening before falling asleep. Buy the same book and read a chapter each on the phone.

Send him a surprise bouquet

Many online stores offer flower delivery all over France. Take this opportunity to send him (without any specific reason) a bouquet of his favorite flowers.
Examples of online florists: , , , etc … You can also opt for originality by having him deliver a balloon inflated with Hellium in heart shape:

Questions to know yourself better

Make a list each on your side, in writing, of 50 questions that will allow you to know a little more about your companion / companion (his love life, his tastes, how would he react in such a situation, etc). Submit it by email and once he / she has responded, comment together on the responses.

Open a diary together

You can create a blog (private!) And write your own daily activities of your day, your thoughts, your feelings, etc.

Send him cakes

Make him homemade cupcakes and send him by post! Don’t forget the little word of love inside your package!

Write a “book” together

Have fun writing a frame together, creating characters, etc.