Putting all your emotions in a love letter can be brutal. But, a love letter for a man is a great way to show the depth of your feelings and all the tenderness you have for him. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just because you miss it, you need to find the perfect words to express everything you have on your heart.
Do not keep your feelings buried, when you hold on to someone you absolutely must tell them. Express your love because even if you think your partner knows how much you love him, it’s always nice to hear the words “I love you”.
If you are afraid that your words will be misunderstood or if you are frightened by the idea of digging deep inside to find each spark that is there, you can always take inspiration from the following 10 examples in order to write a love letter for a man.
Love letter for a man to tell him why you love him
You always ask me why I love you, so I decided to answer you black and white so that you can keep track and reread this list when you feel the need.
I like your sense of humor; this is the first thing I noticed about you. You have this ability to put people at ease with a little joke and you always include everyone around you, instead of making fun of someone.
I love your optimistic nature; you see the good in each person and each situation. When I look at the world through your eyes, it’s a much more beautiful place. I also like your charm and your sensuality: you are much more beautiful than you think. You are also gentle when necessary and strong when the situation requires it.
I love your generous soul. As soon as you see someone who needs help, you jump to their aid. You understand how easy it is to find yourself in a difficult situation and that’s why you lend a helping hand when you can.
I like the way you kiss me and the way you make love to me. You are a perfect gentleman: gentle, attentive, attentive and passionate. But the most important thing is that I love you because you compliment me. You are my soul mate! I could give you a list of thousands of reasons why I love you, but I’m afraid that you will realize how exceptional you are and that I will not come close to you.
Always stay close to me, I love you with all my heart.
Love letter for a man to remind you of the night you met
My love,
I remember the day we met as if it were yesterday. We were at a party and I was having a drink with friends when I started, for no apparent reason, to scan the room. My eyes stopped on you and my heart immediately started pounding. You turned around at that time and you smiled at me and as soon as I saw that, I knew I had to know you better.
I kept talking with my friends but my heart was beating so hard that I couldn’t hear anything from the conversation. One of my friends asked me if I was feeling well because my face had turned red. I replied, “I think I just fell in love.”
When you passed near me, our eyes met again and at that moment I prayed to all the gods possible to give me the strength and the composition necessary to tell you something intelligent. When you noticed my confusion, you simply smiled and said “good evening”. Well, it all started with a smile from you!
Hold on since and forever.
Love letter for a man when you are in a romantic mood
My love, my heart, my soul mate,
If you are wondering how much I love you, you no longer need to ask yourself questions because here is the answer. You are the sun of my day, the river flowing along my veins and the air I breathe. Before meeting you, I did not think it was possible to love someone in such a sincere, pure and deep way.
But, you gave me faith and I understood that true love exists because I share it with you. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my body. You are my prince charming, my soul mate and my best friend.
I am completely yours.
Love letter for a man when you feel playful
Dear [name of your spouse],
You are the luckiest man on the planet because you get a “Dear [name of your spouse]” letter every time someone writes to you. You are even luckier because my letters “Dear [name of your spouse]” have no equal in terms of love, appreciation, and tenderness.
You send me flowers, I send you a “Dear [name of your spouse]”; you offer me tickets for the concert of my favorite group, I send you a “Dear [name of your spouse]”; you buy me diamonds for my birthday, I send you a “Dear [name of your spouse]”.
So, my dear [name of your spouse], let me tell you how much I want you, I appreciate you, I adore you and I respect you. I love you, I honor you and I need you and only you.
My dear [name of your spouse] I will love you forever!
Love letter for a man on his birthday
My love,
Today is your birthday and I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that I love you. Just being with you has turned all my dreams into reality and I want to do my best to fulfill your wildest wishes, too.
You deserve to be cherished because you are the sweetest, kindest, most attentive man and the best boyfriend that a woman can have. For all these reasons, I adore you. I hope that we will celebrate your birthday together, each year, for the rest of our lives.
Happy birthday to my prince charming.
Love letter for a man on your anniversary
It was exactly [number of years] years ago that you told me for the first time that you loved me and asked me to be your girlfriend. That evening, you changed my life and you put us on the path to endless happiness.
When I look at you today, I realize that my love for you is getting deeper, richer and more satisfying every day. When something good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell the good news to.
When something bad happens, I know I can count on you to take me in your arms and tell me that everything is going to be fine. I am the luckiest woman in the world because I can honestly say that I am in love with my best friend.
No other man in this world has gotten to your ankle, darling. And, I just wanted to tell you that I love you a lot more than any romantic word can say.
With all my love.
Love letter for a man to tell him you miss him
My heart,
Being separated from you is much more difficult than I had imagined. I see things that remind me of your absence from everywhere and they only give me one desire: to be near you. I love you with all my heart. I cherish every moment that we have the chance to spend together and I love you, even more, when you are not there.
Tonight as I write this letter it’s as if you were sitting next to me. I feel your hands on my shoulders, your fingers in my hair and the soft breath of your kisses on my cheek. I miss you, darling. Come home quickly.
I love you.
Love letter for a man when you want to boost his confidence
My valiant knight,
I haven’t told you in a long time so I decided to put it in writing. You are the most attractive man I know and I find it hard to believe that you are mine. You make me laugh and you give me orgasms like no one else, before you. You are perfect for me! I wouldn’t change anything about you.
I like the sound of your voice, the way you kiss me and the fact that you know all my secrets and my weaknesses but still accept me as I am.
I simply love you
Love letter for a man after an argument
To my soul mate,
I realized that last night I had overstepped the limits and reacted a little too violently. I’m sorry, my heart. The truth is, I can’t imagine my life without you. When you enter the room where I am, my heart starts to pound. When I hear your voice, I melt from the inside.
When I see your face, I know for sure that you are the love of my life. When you hug me, I feel like I’m in the only place where I really belong. Please forgive me and let’s reconcile tonight.
With all my love.
Love letter for a man when you want to get back with him
My baby,
Maybe I shouldn’t be telling you this because it’s surely a stupid idea but I can’t forget you. My friends push me to move on but I don’t want to. I don’t want to delete your messages or our photos (no, I still haven’t).
I am aware that we had problems but I am convinced that we can work together to solve them. I am ready to make efforts and compromises if you are. I’m ready to fight for you and I hope you are too.
I loved you and I still love you, your beloved.
Bonus: how to write a love letter for a man
When you try to write a love letter, you surely have the impression that the written words do not completely reflect what you feel. You then become frustrated. Remember: a love letter written from the bottom of your heart is always romantic.
1. Prepare to write
You don’t need to know exactly what you mean, but at least prepare a list of things you absolutely want to mention. Think about the real reasons that led to writing a love letter for a man. Is it for a special occasion or to simply tell him the extent of your feelings? When writing, you should always remember the motivation that inspired you to get started in this pamphlet.
2. Start writing
Create a first draft into which you throw all the ideas and feelings you want to convey. Don’t bother with spelling and grammar. When finished, let your letter sit for an hour or two; this will allow you to step back and see more clearly. Once satisfied, you can copy it (paying attention to errors this time).
3. Read your letter again
Read your letter out loud to see if it makes sense and if the emotions you wanted to get through are there. Imagine reading it to your partner, would he understand its meaning? Do not hesitate to eliminate all sentences that sound false or exaggerated.
4. Present the letter
Choose a romantic paper or perfume a simple A4 sheet and leave the letter prominently so that your partner can find it easily. If on your return you expect kisses and hugs but he plays it “I don’t know what you’re talking about” is that he simply did not read your note.