Original and romantic invitation ideas

Put a little spice in your couple by inviting your dear and tender in a more original way.
Whether it is for a dinner, a show, a cinema, all the following proposals for invitations will surely delight your spouse. The man or woman in your life will have a memorable memory!
Discover 15 romantic ideas to invite your darling in an original way.

15 original romantic invitation ideas

– Send flowers or chocolates with a message containing the invitation … and a little word of love! Some florists on the net: www.foliflora.com , www.florajet.com , www.agitateur-floral.com . – Write your message on card stock. Cut it into a puzzle shape. Your partner will only have to reconstruct the message to understand its content. – Send him an invitation card. The www.popcarte.com site offers personalized love postcards with photos of your couple.

– Discreetly put a dictaphone in his bag with a message that you will have recorded in advance of the type “Mission impossible”: Hello Ms. / Mr. X, you must imperatively present yourself at a restaurant at such and such a time … the survival of humanity depends on it … Please note, this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds …
– Slide the invitation under the door of his apartment.
– Send him by text or email a message in the form of an enigma that he / she will have to decode
– Write the invitation message in chalk when leaving his home (hoping it won’t rain!)
– Kidnap one of his favorite objects and send him the photo by MMS asking him for a ransom. Give her the meeting place so that she / he will give you the ransom.
– Replace the bookmark of the book she is reading with a word of love and the invitation.
– Put a plastic card with the invitation inside and stick it on his soap / shower gel
– Leave a gift on the breakfast table with an invitation card
– Make a video of you singing his favorite song and change the lyrics including the places and dates of the invitation
– Empty a big bottle of sparkling water. Put the invitation word that you have laminated in the bottle and fill it with water. Leave it in the freezer and when it is completely frozen offer it to your darling. He / She will just have to wait for the water to thaw to read the message!
– Send him various photos which will each represent a clue. For example: a clock with the time of the meeting, the front of the restaurant, and a photo of you in a suit / evening dress.
– Write your invitation on the bathroom mirror with lipstick.
– Write your invitation in another language. She will have to translate the message to understand its meaning.