Single at 30 – How to find a partner

Career, desire to have children, personal development: the search for a partner from the age of 30 faces special challenges. Prime example: the next wedding invitation is already in the mailbox and the fridge is full of countless birth cards – after a certain age, a real wedding and baby boom erupts between friends.

As good as this news is, it clearly shows single people over 30 what they don’t have: namely, a partner. When looking for a partner over 30, both men and women want a relationship that is on an equal footing and is based on trust and seriousness. But how do you find them? You can read here where singles aged 30 and over can find like-minded people and what tips might help.

The search for partners at 30

Dating over 30s is dominated by some controversy. On the one hand, there is a strong desire for customization. Nowadays, partnership or marriage is no longer a prerequisite for being able to participate in social life and, above all, for many women, personal development is at the forefront.

The desire to make love is also promoted, as they are financially independent and can pursue a career as much as men. The self-centered attitude is strong in both genders at this age because life offers so many opportunities and freedoms. The focus is first on training, then on a career and in between a long trip or two to an exotic country.



On the other hand, there are sudden and increasing changes in the circle of friends where people marry and start a family. Instead of looking for a partner after 30, the theme of young people takes on an increasingly important role and shows singles over 30 more and more clearly what they do not have, but would like to have in certain circumstances.



Some people ask themselves things like, “Why am I still single?” “Did I miss the right moment?” Therefore, those looking for partners aged 30 and over are torn between the desire for an individual life motive and the longing for a fulfilled relationship. But it doesn’t have to be that way: Singles over 30 have the best prerequisites for a successful partner search.



Singles over 30 know exactly what they want

When looking for a partner over 30, singles often have a clear idea of ​​what they are looking for. This is mainly due to the life experience they already had over the last decade, as they already have a certain relationship biography. From the age of 30, men or women usually find a partner with a child from a previous relationship, possibly married or in a long-term partnership. Single parents are therefore specifically looking for someone who has children of their own or is at least okay with them.



They are also looking for someone who can satisfy their specific needs, which they can often clearly identify through their experiences. In short: you want to choose your future partner according to certain criteria, because now you know which type is best for you. Furthermore, they are in a comfortable situation: the foundation stone for their careers has already been laid, their character is stable and they are determined in what they do.



Singles aged 30 and over who want to have children: opportunity and risk at the same time

The biological clock also plays an important role in finding a partner over 30. Especially single women who want to have children slowly start to panic at the end of the day. They are putting themselves under increasing pressure with the requirement that the future partner not only be suitable for relationships, but also for families. However, this can deter potential prospects in advance, because not everyone wants to think about having children during the process of getting to know each other. On the other hand, no one wants to invest time and energy in someone who doesn’t have the same long-term goal.



On the other hand, looking for a partner from the age of 30 also offers a great opportunity to satisfy the desire to have children. Many relationships in the twenties fail because one partner is not yet ready to take that mandatory step. Singles over 30 tend to be more relaxed and much more open to the topic of youth. If both singles have a strong desire to have children, this can quickly lead to a mutual desire to bond.

After 30: Stay Calm

Above all, however, the following applies: love cannot be forced. So try to be as relaxed as possible with your single status and enjoy time with yourself. Even if this does not correspond to your original life plan, it is not a drama to be without a partner or to look for one from the age of 30 onwards. See the benefits instead, because you can do whatever you want without having to justify yourself to anyone. It’s important that you stay active and don’t hide at home. Don’t fall into doubt; instead, become aware of your merits again and again, because you exude self-confidence – and that’s attractive.

4 Tips on Where to Meet Singles 30 and Over



Dating after 30 doesn’t have to be complicated or embarrassing. Simply combine all this with pleasant activities for two, take your luck into your own hands and look forward to new experiences and exciting meetings. Here are some tips on where to meet singles aged 30 and over:

1. Reserved parties

Parties for singles over 30 are very popular and show that there are many who are in a relationship at that age and would like to change that. Special celebrations are full of singles who combine the pleasant with the useful – namely, celebrating life, really flirting and making new contacts.

2. Cooking at night or blind dates

It is said that love passes through the stomach. Singles over 30 who are passionate about food and cooking have the opportunity to look for a partner over 30 and meet new people in a relaxed and intimate atmosphere with cooking courses especially for singles or blind dates. Great side effect: you can enjoy culinary delicacies.

3. Travel for singles over 30

Group travel for singles over 30 is the ideal opportunity not only to get started in distant countries, but also to start looking for a partner over 30 and meet new people. They offer a program that is specially tailored to the needs of the age group while leaving a lot of room for personal preferences. Since all participants are the same age, you can expect to spend time with like-minded people in a relaxed holiday atmosphere – ideal for looking for a partner over 30.

4. Dating at 30: Online Dating

If you don’t want to leave anything to chance, the digital way to find a partner is ideal for people over 30. Online dating agencies are particularly popular with this target group and offer numerous advantages to singles over 30:

  • You can find like-minded people in your area
  • Do you specifically meet singles over 30
  • You can use the search and filter settings to tailor your partner search to your lifestyle, hobbies or desire for 30+ kids.
  • You can make new contacts relaxed and comfortable at home

Bottom Line: Finding a 30 Year Old Partner Should Be Fun

Singles over 30 know exactly what they want. The demands on the new relationship increase, because when looking for a partner from the age of 30, they are no longer looking for a fleeting adventure, but a partnership with a long-term perspective. But don’t panic at the end of the day, try one thing above all: stay calm and relaxed.

Because once you realize how much you want a relationship, the more you radiate it and scare away potential partners. Whether dancing, on vacation or dating online : be confident and open when looking for a partner. Inner satisfaction is the best prerequisite for finding a life partner. The Dos and Don’ts below summarize the most important rules for finding a partner over 30:

What not to do:

  1. satisfy with little
  2. hide at home
  3. fall into doubt

What to do:

  1. Rest assured being single
  2. Targeted search
  3. be active
  4. be satisfied with yourself