Stop Chasing him And See What Happens: Dating Tips That Work

Stop Chasing Him: Dating Tips That Work

If you’ve ever seen ‘The Parkers’ on television, you may remember that one of the leads always chased after a man she was in love with for several years until they finally got married. ‘The Parkers’ was a television show that aired on BET for five seasons and focused on a mother-daughter duo attending college together.
At some point in your life, ladies, you will go crazy over a man to the point of wanting to be with him. Showing initiative is a way to get a man’s attention but, as women, do we really want to be the ones to set things in motion? In some cases, today’s women are bold enough to take the first step, and at times, many men are old-fashioned to the point that they don’t want to be pursued. In the current generation, we must find the perfect balance to show someone that we find an interest in them where the feeling can be reciprocated. I can understand why women may want to chase a man, the reasons are that he hasn’t taken the first step yet, you may enjoy being the bully or they want to grab a man before someone else. Do you want to move things in your favor? If you really want the ball on your court, here are some things you can do to make that happen.

Stop being aggressive and be attractive

It’s okay to be aggressive if you already know each other and that’s what he likes, but if this is your first meeting with this guy and he’s getting too strong, it might not work out as well as you wanted. When ‘aggressive Angela’ appears during the approach or during a date, it is sure that it can hurt a man’s ego or just scare him completely. When you aggressively approach a man as a woman, you are belittling his manhood and devaluing his femininity. All you need to do is flirt with him a bit and show that you notice him and if he gets close to you, the ball is in your court. However, make sure you play your cards right and remember to be a bit discreet about your intentions, I know we live in 2018 and times may have changed,

Let him start chasing you

Men are hunters by nature, so let them do the work and it’s innate for them to go out and get what they want. Think of it as if men always have a goal in mind and then let them pursue it. A man does not want anything that comes easily to him; he likes to work for it. If you, as a woman, are after him, then there is not much work that man should do. Let him haunt you because once he has found the perfect partner for a relationship, he will appreciate and value her that much more. Let it be Wile E. Coyote while you are more the roadrunner; let him be Tom while you play Jerry. Understood? Ok, let’s move on.

Show it by showing passion in your own life

Just because you love a certain man, don’t let him be your main focus. We all get to a point where we forget who we are because we are trying to go after a man and find ways to keep him. Your man is going to have his own passions in life and he needs space to be able to pursue them. He may be a sportsman, so if you meet him at weekend soccer games with his kids or if you text him and ask him what he’s doing, he’ll probably reply “watching the game.” In this case, if you are not a sports fan at all, don’t start to become a fan. Be yourself, the boy of your dreams may like sports but what do you like? Show your own passions. Don’t let go of everything that matters to you just to make him happy.

Get Your Rhythm Back – Restore Your Dignity

It can be a bit unpleasant to always chase the guy and it takes a lot of effort on your part and so little effort from him. Really worth it? When you go after a guy and don’t hear much from him or find yourself being completely ignored, it can start to affect your self-esteem. You start to wonder what you did to scare him away, it was your hairstyle that day that he didn’t like, he didn’t like that joke you told him the other day. Even things that were never possible are now your signs of insecurity. There is nothing wrong with you but this: you are chasing him, stop. The easiest ego boost you can give yourself is to cut all ties with it and disappear into action. He might text you and wonder why you’re not chasing him anymore because you gave him this confidence for so long with the non-stop texting and unexpected phone calls that when you finally stopped all the chasing, he starts to give himself away. account of it. and question it. You may wonder what happened. How come she doesn’t follow me anymore? The reason is that she cares about herself and is working to regain and maintain her confidence.

Ps I miss you

If you are available all the time, he will think that you do not have much to do in your life and that may be a detour. Stay busy and try not to be needy. Being needy is nice for a while, but it can be a long-term deciding factor. Reverse roles and let him text you, call you, notice you, and wait by the phone. Focus more on your hobbies and your career. Don’t wait for a guy to contact you, don’t show that you care more than him. Enjoy your life and have fun. Even if it’s not busy or a bit on the negative side, be unavailable. During this time you will find yourself doing a reality check. What does this guy have that you like? What attracts you the most? Does he have a way to show that he cares about you? Weigh the pros and cons of the current situation. Until you are ready and emotionally safe to respond to her, do so, but only on her terms.

If you must chase him, is it worth it?

Don’t ask him to give you the attention you deserve. If you find yourself wondering, crying, and trying to recover whenever you get a chance, then you don’t need it. You are going to want to be with someone who is as happy as talking to you and seeing you as much as you are. Attract someone who wants to spend time with you, cares about you and takes the initiative to get to know you. If you chase him, will you ever find out if he really likes you? Or is he just giving in to the persecution because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings? If you think it’s too late and you’ve already invested all this excitement and time chasing after it, the best thing you can do right now is to let it go. It’s going to hurt, nobody said it will be easy, but it’s worth a lot. It won’t be the only guy you remember. There is much to live and love. Do not give up, you are wonderful and you need to know that you are. Live your life to the fullest and if love happens along the way, it will be time to love again. Finally, I was talking to this guy once and we had already built a casual relationship in which I dated him many times, we talked about almost everything, we spent almost every weekend together. After a while, everything started to slow down; text messages, calls, appointments, etc. I really enjoyed my time with this guy to the point where I started to fall deeply in love with him. I texted him a ton trying to get in touch with him and his responses were very brief, but I realized he didn’t want to be mean, he was a nice guy in that sense. I called him at one point and said those three dangerous words depending on the situation, “I love you.” When I told him that he answered on the phone with “hmmm ok”, it was as if he hadn’t really noticed or had not given much thought to the words I just said to him. I felt hurt, ashamed and I thought that I would never say that I love you to a man again. At the end of the day, it was a learning experience for me and now I am deeply in love with the man I have been with for the past two years. It’s funny how things are going because just a couple of months ago he tried to come back into my life as if nothing had happened, but you’re a late friend, I’m with someone who cares about me and really loves me. ashamed and I thought that I would never tell a man that I love you again. At the end of the day, it was a learning experience for me and now I am deeply in love with the man I have been with for the past two years. It’s funny how things are going because just a couple of months ago he tried to come back into my life as if nothing had happened, but you’re a late friend, I’m with someone who cares about me and really loves me. ashamed and I thought that I would never tell a man that I love you again. At the end of the day, it was a learning experience for me and now I am deeply in love with the man I have been with for the past two years. It’s funny how things are going because just a couple of months ago he tried to come back into my life as if nothing had happened, but you’re a late friend, I’m with someone who cares about me and really loves me.