The 4 steps to follow if your love life is a disaster

Do you have romantic relationships that end badly? Do not worry. Perhaps it is simply a matter of poor choice. To find out, follow these 4 steps that will allow you to advance in your love life.

By dint of chaining bad boys and messy dates, you start to no longer believe in love. Whether all your stories end badly or whether you are an eternal celibate, you gradually lose confidence in yourself.

Well no! It’s time to take control. Just because your love life is a disaster doesn’t mean you have to let go. On the contrary, take advantage of being single to take care of yourself, to refocus, to boost your social life.

And on the heart, ask yourself the right questions. We are inspired by Joanna Coles’ book, “Love Rules: How to Find a Real Relationship in a Digital World”, to list four simple steps to follow in the event of a romantic disaster.

Step 1: Assess your old romantic relationships

  • How many romantic relationships have you had? How long?
  • Why did they end?
  • When were you the happiest? Can you determine what makes you happy?

Make an inventory of all the partners you have known. Include short relationships, which ended in failure, as much as long stories. If you have a tendency to accumulate self-centered or overly sensitive boys, you should be able to recognize this.

It is the best way to identify your typical model of romantic relationships, and thus to know the mechanisms, to be able to better face them the next time.

Step 2: Evaluate Your Attitude Towards Others

  • In a conversation, do you usually talk only about yourself?
  • Do you listen to others? Do you comfort or advise them?
  • Imagine yourself during a romantic date.

If answering these questions seems too complicated, ask them directly to someone close to you, such as your best friend. Then compile the negative remarks that you may have made during your various romantic relationships.

If it turns out that you are too selfish, too egocentric, or too demanding, maybe that reflects a bit of truth. Now is the time to try to question yourself.

Step 3: Identify and analyze your love habits

  • If you are in a relationship, but you are unhappy, what do you do?
  • What is the best part for you when you sleep with someone?
  • How much can your character change when you are in a relationship?

Now is the time to establish whether or not you are still making the same mistakes. If you tend to always succumb to a bad boy or a guy who doesn’t care about you.

Step 4: think about your future

  • Make a detailed list of the 10 qualities you look for in a man.

This list can include generosity, kindness, but also wanting children (or not wanting them) if this is your case. You have to know your desires, those to which you are not ready to make concessions.

Obviously, this list is not exhaustive. Perfection does not exist, it is complicated to find a partner who can meet all your criteria. However, this flattening exercise should allow you to guide yourself towards a certain type of person.

And if that pushes you to totally change your habits, it might be time to try something new!