We Do Not Meet Anyone By Chance – 5 Types Of Cosmic Relationships

Our universe is mysterious and works in a mysterious way. It’s chaotic and complex, but somehow everything seems to be in the right place.

There is much truth in the saying that coincidences do not exist. The most mundane things happen in the context of a larger plan, and serve a larger purpose. And all this is the Universe that makes its magic work.

Life is not easy. We all have our ups and downs, we walk on paths, some more difficult than others, and all the details of life, even the most insignificant experiences, are fraught with meaning and value. And the Universe accompanies us on our journey.

Throughout this journey, we meet people who are useful to us in different ways in our lives, who hurt them or who leave our lives without leaving a trace. Some are meant to stay forever, others are not, but even those we meet briefly cross our path for a reason.

Here are 5 types of cosmic relationships that you are likely to encounter in your life:

1. Those who must wake us up.

There are many people who come into our lives, who make a lot of changes with them. They cause these changes directly or indirectly, simply by reminding us by their presence that we cannot move forward in life if we do not make changes. And the Universe has its own way of making these things work.

These people will awaken your potential which would have remained hidden if you had been stuck.

2. Those that help us remember.

Some people just stop briefly in our lives, just to remind us of our goals. The reason the Universe sends us such people is to help us stay focused on our life path.

These people remind us of who we are and what we really want.

3. The ones that help us grow.

There are these people who help us become people. They accompany us and guide us in our journey through the stages of life. They can sometimes hurt us or take us on a demanding adventure, and through this, they show us the way when we lose it. They help us learn things that we could never have learned on our own.

These people tempt us to grow.

4. Those who maintain the space for us.

Some people are in our lives for such a short and insignificant time that we are probably not even going to remember them. These are the people you meet on the subway, on the street, in a cafe, people with whom you have basic conversations, with whom we have no particular connection. Their goal is simply to maintain space for us.

They are the companions who help you during your trip, a kind of fans of your soul, present to cheer your good sides!

5. Those that remain.

Only a few people will come to stay with us forever. They are rare and hard to find, but they are the people who are most valuable to us. They are our close friends, our family, all members of our soul group and perhaps even soul mates.

These people are partners who follow the same mission as you, or at least a similar mission.

When it’s just the right time, the Universe will send us the right person, made for us. This person is part of a group, whose presence makes us feel pleasant and safe. All you have to do is be patient while you wait for it, because it will come at one time or another. And once you find it, it will stay forever.

It is your twin flame and the magnetic force of your souls will guide you towards each other. All you need to do is follow your heart!