What is love ? Because it’s more than just a feeling…

Love: what is it really? We try so hard to find meaning and understand it. We try to touch it with our fingertips and take it in the palms of our hands. We desperately want to put a label on love. We try to put it in a box to put it on a shelf so that it is always close at hand.

We hope to be able to grab it as soon as we need it or when we feel ready! We want to have a love close to us so that we can use it when we feel ready to take the big step. That is to say when you want to fall madly in love with another person.

Love is an indefinite concept

Despite all our efforts, it is difficult to define exactly the meaning of love, to find the meaning of this feeling which makes us deeply attached to another person. Besides, we also cannot understand what we really feel when we are in love or how this feeling becomes something tangible in our life.

When we think of love, we think of butterflies, the first time we met a person who made us turn our heads and the way our heartbeats when we approach a man which we like. We also think of kisses and how our knees tremble when we look at that of our loved one.

We have the impression that love is only a whirlwind of positive feelings that give us the feeling of living on a small cloud and being untouchable. But, love is much more than that … Besides, love may not even be that at all!

When we dwell on our past and present relationships, we can wonder if we were really in love at the beginning of these. Maybe we just got carried away by the attention that this man gave us? Were we attracted to their physical appearance or their soul? Were we in love with their spirit or the way we felt by their side?

Because, ultimately, love is not just a feeling. It is an action, a manifestation of the emotions, a chance and a moment of faith during which we decide, from the bottom of our soul, that we want to be with this person, whatever the cost!

For some reason, not always obvious and clear, we always say that love is beautiful and easy. We think that once we meet the right person, they will fall in love with us, in a gentle and wonderful way. We believe that when we find the man with whom we are destined to be, everything is arranged and seems to be ordered, like the pieces of a puzzle. Quite simply…

Yet true love is complicated and messy. True love is about decisions and actions, thoughts and emotions. It is a continuous process during which we try to really know the person with whom we are. And, how it can adapt and find its place in our chaotic life.

True love is knowing that this world, this person and you are not perfect but believe in the fact that you are going to have a beautiful and healthy relationship, despite all the obstacles and all the difficulties.

Love is not just a feeling. It is not just two joined hands or two bodies that come together in a consuming passion. It is not being with someone who makes you laugh or smile when you have an appointment.

Love is not only about enjoying the kiss of the person you have come to know and whom you consider closer than your own family. These are not only beautiful memories that you can mark on your calendar. Love is not about finding the person you feel most comfortable with or the one who gives you a sense of comfort.

Love and action

Love is pushing, day after day, to keep this feeling of comfort and intimacy, despite obstacles, arguments or the vagaries of life. It is a sensation that can sow confusion and generate conflicts because the two partners in a relationship grow together, but also separately!

Love is actually a challenge. It is meeting someone who pushes you to be better, smarter and more ambitious than before. It is finding a person with whom you will fight, side by side, and for whom you are ready to raise mountains. Love is to realize that your life was complete before but that, in a strange and inexplicable way, it became even better.

Love is imagining the arms of the other around your shoulders, once you are old. It is to contemplate evenings, birthdays and weddings, accompanied by this man. love is thinking about the family and the children who might surround you one day. It is, quite simply, the feeling of “forever”, even if it is difficult to visualize.

But, love is also all the challenges that go with these dreams: the complexity, the confusion, the fear, the failure and the mistakes that both partners in a relationship make. Because in life you have to learn from everything and move on.

Love is not just a feeling. It is a choice, a decision, an action, and a movement. A movement from one person to another, despite everything that may be on your way. Even if others tell you that you must drop this relationship and despite all the situations that push you to break up; you make the choice to stay together!

Love is to go towards each other, despite the obstacles of life. This means that, in this temporary life, you have chosen to believe in the other, to give him everything you have and to be loved, despite the low probability of success.

Ultimately, it is surrendering to this feeling that is not always easy to understand or define because love gives you the impression of having wings and being able to conquer everything. So don’t be afraid to love and be loved!