Why you should wait until you meet this kind of person before dating

Wait until you find someone who will put in the effort. 

Someone who will make the effort to surprise you. The effort to organize appointments. Someone who will go the extra mile for you. Who will invest time and energy in the things you love.

Wait until you meet someone who will work to earn your trust. The one who will take his time. The one who will really want to know your strengths and the past you miss. Someone who will teach you that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

Wait until you meet someone who will flirt with you like you’re their first love. Who will protect you like his brothers and sisters. Who will fight for you like a married couple, but who will always make you feel like you are best friends.

Wait until you meet someone you will have the best intimate relationship with in your life. Because intimacy isn’t all about sleeping with someone. When you care about the person, it’s a very intense experience.

Wait until you meet someone who wants to build a future with you. Someone who will talk about it, and who will work to make it happen. Someone who will put money aside because he sees you as his wife, even if he hasn’t said it yet.

Wait until you meet someone who will want to know your family and friends. The person who will ask to see them. The one who will know how much you love them and who will never make you choose between you and them.

Wait until you meet someone who will be willing to sacrifice. Who will not make you give more than you will receive.

Wait until you meet the person who wants to make you a better version of yourself. The one that will push you toward your goals and help you achieve things you never thought you could do.

Wait until you meet the person who will introduce you to the happiness you never thought you would experience. The person who will light up your life and fill your heart in a way you didn’t even think possible. The person without whom you will not be able to imagine your life after you meet him.

Wait until you meet the person who cannot live without, but who also cannot live without you.