Tips for coping with an unhappy marriage with your partner

Statistics on unhappy marriages in the US

A marriage is usually one of the most satisfying things when it works and everyone is happy. However, when the opposite happens, it can be an extremely painful and exhausting experience. Nobody likes or wants to be in an unhappy marriage, but that’s life; Things happen that turn a once loving union into an unhappy marriage. The important thing is that you know how to move forward when this happens.

Luckily, recent studies have shown that those in unhappy relationships are few compared to those in happy relationships, which I believe is the case globally. Statistics showed that 64% of Americans actually have happy relationships and almost 50% of couples are satisfied with their s-x life. Only about 19% of couples in the United States were reported to be unhappy in their romantic relationships.

What are the signs of an unhappy marriage?

The following are some of the signs that can help you recognize if you are in an unhappy marriage. If you identify with these signs, then it is time for you to take a hard look at whether or not you should continue in your marriage.

1. There is a communication failure.

Communication plays a huge role in the health and success of any relationship. A marriage without communication is a very bad sign, as it shows that you no longer appreciate or value each other. Lack of communication creates gaps between couples that widen every day, making it almost impossible to bridge them. This is a sign of an unhappy marriage, but if not corrected quickly, it may be the beginning of the end of your marriage.

2. They both lead separate lives

Couples in a healthy and happy relationship share everything and even do things together as a team. When one member is depressed, the other is there to offer a shoulder to lean on. That’s what marriage is all about, taking care of ourselves and sharing. You should know that something is wrong when you realize that you have both been living two separate lives the entire time, even without realizing it. This shows that you have disconnected and you are no longer one, but two strangers living in the same house.

3. Fantasize about a life without your partner

In happy marriages, couples generally dream and imagine growing old together. In general, this is the last dream for most couples, as they know that life without the other will be unbearable. So when you find yourself always envisioning a happy future without your partner, know that your marriage is unhappy. This shows that you don’t care about your spouse and that you no longer love your partner like you used to.

4. You no longer argue

When you are married, it is not good to fight all the time, but having an argument from time to time is a very good sign. Healthy discussions bring couples closer together as they get to know each other more. The fights also show that couples care deeply for each other, which is why the love between couples intensifies after the end of a fight. If you are in a marriage where you no longer fight, it is a sign that you are in an unhappy and loveless marriage.

5. They don’t spend quality time together.

The time a couple spends relaxing means a lot. In a happy marriage, couples generally feel very good when they are in company and often make an effort to find time to be together. Spending quality time together as a married couple helps strengthen your identity and also brings you closer together. If you are in a marriage where you always feel that it is better to be alone than to be around your spouse, then you are in an unhappy marriage.

Tips on how to fix and help fix an unhappy marriage

1. Acknowledge and talk about the challenges your marriage faces.

The first step is usually to acknowledge that your marriage has some problems. This is important as some people try to avoid facing their marital problems, something that always ends up breaking their marriage forever. So, sit down with your spouse and talk about the things that make your marriage unhappy.

2. Avoid causing more harm

Once you’ve accepted that your marriage is going through a rough patch, it’s important to avoid adding fuel to the fire. This will help when you and your partner decide to fix the marriage, as there will be better communication and less conflict.

3. Avoid acting on negative feelings

The negative feelings you’ve had all along won’t automatically go away just because you and your spouse have decided to work on your marriage. Now it is up to you to start letting go of these feelings to avoid being influenced by them and causing communication problems and tension, among other negative repercussions.

4. Become aware of the fact that you may not always be right

The need to always be right is another thing that completely destroys marriages. Accepting that you may also be wrong allows you to see things from your spouse’s angle. This improves understanding between you and your partner.

5. Consider getting couples counseling

If your marriage was in a position where you feel that working things out with your partner alone will not be enough, then you can consult the services of a marriage counselor who will happily guide you and your spouse.

6. Get your support network involved

Family and friends play a huge role in your relationship, so get them involved. Allow them to be there for you as you work things out with your partner. They can help you in anything and a good example is babysitting in case you have children. Any kind of support that your family and friends can provide is very welcome.

7. Learn to communicate better

You can’t do things right without being able to communicate. This is one of the main reasons your marriage is where it is in the first place. Therefore, you and your partner must learn to communicate with each other in an open and respectful way and you will be able to work on your marriage.

8. Learn to make decisions as a couple.

During the marriage, you must make all your decisions as a couple. This helps bring you and your spouse closer together and also ensures that you and your spouse are on the same page. Making decisions together shows that you love and respect each other.


There is no perfect marriage. Like any other type of relationship, a marriage is bound to have a few problems from time to time. How couples respond to those issues is what makes the difference between a happy marriage and an unhappy marriage that is doomed. There is no marital problem that cannot be resolved if the spouses still love each other and are willing to work things out. So if you are in an unhappy marriage, don’t give up as all is not lost.