7 Ways to Handle a Partner Who’s Always on Their Phone

Having a partner who is constantly on their phone can be frustrating and can lead to feelings of neglect or disconnection in a relationship. Here are seven effective ways to handle this situation and help restore balance and intimacy:

1. Communicate Your Feelings

Open communication is crucial. Share how their phone usage makes you feel without being accusatory. Use “I” statements to express your feelings, such as “I feel neglected when you’re on your phone a lot.”

Solution: Initiate a calm and honest conversation about how their phone habits impact your relationship. Ensure that your tone is understanding and not confrontational.

2. Set Boundaries Together

Establishing boundaries around phone usage can help create a healthier balance. Decide together on specific times when phones should be put away, such as during meals or before bedtime.

Solution: Agree on phone-free zones or times, like during dinner or while watching a movie together, to ensure quality time without distractions.

3. Lead by Example

Model the behavior you’d like to see. If you want your partner to reduce their phone usage, make sure you’re also mindful of your own habits. Showing that you value time together without screens can encourage them to do the same.

Solution: Put your phone away during shared activities and be fully present. Your partner might follow suit if they see you prioritizing face-to-face interaction.

4. Suggest Engaging Activities

Plan activities that naturally require being off the phone, such as hiking, cooking together, or playing a board game. Engaging in shared activities can help shift the focus from screens to each other.

Solution: Propose fun and engaging activities that both of you enjoy, making it easier to disconnect from phones and reconnect with each other.

5. Create Phone-Free Rituals

Develop daily or weekly rituals that are phone-free, such as morning coffee together, evening walks, or a no-phone Sunday. These rituals can help strengthen your bond and create special moments of connection.

Solution: Establish regular routines that both of you commit to, ensuring dedicated time to focus on each other without digital distractions.

6. Address the Root Cause

Understand why your partner is always on their phone. They might be using it to cope with stress, boredom, or other underlying issues. Discussing these reasons can help find more fulfilling alternatives.

Solution: Have a conversation about what’s driving their phone usage. Offer support and explore other ways to address these needs, whether it’s finding new hobbies or managing stress more effectively.

7. Seek Professional Help if Needed

If phone usage continues to be a major issue despite your efforts, consider seeking professional help. A therapist or counselor can help address deeper issues and improve communication in your relationship.

Solution: Suggest couples counseling if phone usage is causing significant strain on your relationship. A professional can provide strategies to improve your connection and resolve conflicts.


Dealing with a partner who is always on their phone requires patience, understanding, and open communication. By setting boundaries, engaging in shared activities, and addressing underlying issues, you can work together to create a healthier balance and strengthen your relationship. Remember, the goal is to foster a deeper connection and ensure both partners feel valued and respected.