When we look at the statistics of divorces that affect a good number of marriages, it is imperative to question the reasons for these failures but especially on the bad choice of partner that most couples do before marriage. It can happen to choose a man, either because he attracts us physically, or because we imagine that we can change it over time. This is the mistake to never do.
If you want to avoid falling into the trap of a failed marriage, try instead to pay attention to these 15 habits that your man does in his daily life. If you notice that he often does, do not wait. Runaway! Otherwise, your dream will turn into a nightmare.
1. He has a closed mind:
If you are with a man who prevents you from going forward, for fear of running risks or distrust of you, it is because he is not for you. His negativity will bring no benefit to your life.
2. He hates animals:
If your man can not be in the company of animals because of an allergy or other problem, he has the right. But if he hates them just because they are animals, it denotes a lack of empathy that can expand even at the level of his human relationships. Live with your pet and flee this man like the plague.
3. He derogates from the rules of the relationship:
Mr. does not really want to follow the basic rules of your relationship, that you propose and always do what he wants; it’s simply a lack of respect for you and a disdain for your person.
4. He does not keep his promises:
If you find that your man is not keeping his promises or if the frequency of broken promises is constantly increasing, then it is time to get away from him.
5. You are not his priority
If he puts his interests before you and makes you feel that you are not his priority, then that means you do not really care about him.
6. He never admits his mistakes
A man who never admits the mistake of his thoughts and decisions, should question himself and put his excessive ego into slow motion. His behavior may hurt you too.
7. He always finds excuses
A man who finds excuses and not tangible explanations for his behavior proves that he does not show any importance to you.
8. He feeds conflicts
Disputes and disputes are part of the daily life of couples, but if these conflicts persist and are nurtured by your man, it means that he is not ready to assume his share of responsibility, so you must move away from him.
9. He constantly cuts you off
If your man cuts you off in front of others every time you start a discussion, it means that you mean nothing to him and that he ignores your opinion.
10. He lies to you
There are different degrees of lies. However, those who affect the relationship are unacceptable. The lack of confidence sets in and the relationship will be affected.
11. He never lets you go
The fact that it clings to you at all times and that it does not let you go, means either that it has a problem of insecurity or that it does not give you all its confidence. Independence in the couple is essential for the duration of the relationship.
12. He hates family
The family is essential for our balance and family warmth is second to none. If your man does not like being in a warm family atmosphere, he will have a hard time loving his own family and children.
13. He does not want to stop smoking
It is true that stopping smoking requires a very strong will. If your man does not make this effort first for his health and then for you, it will mean that he is not sensitive to your request or to what you really feel.
14. He easily removes people from his life
If, after a quarrel with friends or relatives, he permanently wipes them out of his life, it will mean that he has an impatient character and that he will reproduce the same pattern with you.
15. He is violent
If your man is violent in nature and physically or emotionally manifested, then flee him. Because a man who does not control his anger is a dangerous man and must not be an integral part of your life.