Express your love with a love quote!

According to Plato, “In contact with love, everyone becomes a poet”. But sometimes it’s hard to find the words to describe that feeling of love. Whether you’re in the early stages of a blossoming romance or trying to let your spouse know how much he or she means to you, some of the most beautiful words ever written can express exactly what you mean.

This selection of all-time love quotes will definitely make it easier to express your emotions and feelings of love to your partner. These famous inspirational love quotes and sayings will help you describe exactly how you feel in the simplest of words.

1. William Shakespeare’s love quote

“What love can do, love dares to attempt. »

William Shakespeare, in “Romeo and Juliet”

2. Love Triumphs Over All

” Love conquers all. »


3. Quote about love by Victor Hugo

“Without love, nothing remains of Eve; love is the only beauty. »


4. Love Quote

“Love is a fire that goes out if it does not increase. »


5. Love Quote

“A very small degree of hope is enough to cause the birth of love. »


6. The Miracle of Civilization

“Love is the miracle of civilization. »


7. Love quote

“All the lovers are twelve years old, hence the fury of the adults. »

Sollers Philippe

8. Love Quote

“Life isn’t worth living – Without love. »

Serge Gainsbourg

9. Short Love Quote

“Love is being stupid together. »

Paul Valery

10. Love is life

“Only love can keep someone alive. »

Oscar Wilde

11. Love Quote

“Love is also an effort. »

Scutenaire Louis

12. Love Quote

“In love, the balance of power is not a conquest, it’s a shipwreck. »

Kersauson Olivier

13. Love is fragile

“Love is born from nothing and dies from everything. »

Karr Alphonse

14. The Love Revolution

“Love is the only revolution that does not betray a man. »

John Paul II

15. Love and Trouble

“Love is a problem solved ad infinitum. »

Jankelevich Vladimir

16. More Than Love

“Love is much more than love. »

Jacques Chardonne

17. Love Quote

“It takes many years to learn certain words of love. »

Jacques Chardonne

18. Quote about love by Carlo Goldoni

“Love is the best menu! »

Carlo Goldoni

19. What if silence had a say in love?

“True love is when silence is no longer awkward. »

Jean Jacques Goldman

20. Love Quote by Paul Géraldy

“They are very happy, those who are unhappy only through love. »

Paul Geraldy

21. Should we trust our intuition in love?

“In art as in love, instinct is enough. »

France Anatole

22. Truth and Love

“When the truth shines everywhere, it is love. »

Christian Bobin

23. Confess Your Love

“The greatest happiness after loving is to confess one’s love. »

Andre Gide

24. Love Sings

“Reason speaks, but Love sings. »

Alfred de Vigny

25. Give without expecting anything in return

“That’s love, to give everything, to sacrifice everything without hope of return. »

Albert Camus