35 ways to take care of yourself

No need to spend hours to feed your well-being. The proof, here are 35 ways to take care of oneself every day. Which one will you try?

Take care of yourself physically

Taking care of your physical body is essential. However, do not forget that it is far from the only way to pamper yourself! But before discovering the other ways, here are some sure values ​​to take care of your well-being naturally:

  • To sleep.
  • Make a lemon water cure.
  • Play sports.
  • Moisturize your skin with vegetable oil.
  • Eat healthy.

Mental and emotional well-being

  • Learn to manage your stress.
  • Forgive old rancor (to someone else or to yourself).
  • Make energy treatment.
  • Write in a diary.
  • Express your feelings to someone who counts.

Take care of your spirituality

  • Meditate a few minutes.
  • Go walking in nature.
  • To do yoga.
  • Pray.
  • Express your gratitude.

Social well-being

  • Set your limits with kindness and firmness.
  • Spend quality time with someone you love.
  • Unsubscribe from Facebook profiles (and other networks) that do not bring you joy.
  • Smile everyone you meet today.
  • Seek help for a project or task if you need it.

Take care of your personal evolution

  • Take stock of your current level of happiness and set a new life goal.
  • Create your viewing board.
  • Read a good book.
  • Learn from your failures or mistakes.
  • Do a creative activity.

Well-being at home

  • Gardening or buying a new plant.
  • Repair or throw a broken object.
  • Decongest a piece of furniture that needs it.
  • Do your housework.
  • Rearrange a room.

Take care of your wallet

  • Do your accounts.
  • Set up monthly savings.
  • Cancel subscriptions that no longer serve you.
  • Request an increase (or increase your rates if you are self-employed).
  • Sell ​​clothes or items that are no longer needed and are still in good condition.

Thank you all for your reading!