5 types of big bellies and how to get rid of it according to a dietician

It is important to recognize your type of belly because its shape says a lot about your health. It depends primarily on your musculoskeletal structure, but also on your lifestyle and diet. And it is according to your metabolism as well as your daily calorie intake, that your body stores or burns fat. And since you all dream of losing weight, it is now possible to do it. So find the most effective method for you according to the advice of Tamara Duker Freuman, dietician, author of the book: The Bloated Belly whisperer

Weight loss can seem difficult especially after one or more unsuccessful dieting attempts. Multiple factors can be the cause and we can mention hormonal imbalance, stress or excessive calories. For this purpose, it is essential that you understand your body in order to better manage it.

Identify your type of belly! 

1-      The  buoy type belly  :

This type of belly is characterized by bulges on the sides

cause  :

It is often caused by an unhealthy diet (sweet foods, triggering spikes in blood sugar ).

Specifically, sugars are the main source of energy in the human body, but according to a study published by the European Journal of Nutrition,  their excessive consumption leads to obesity, and causes metabolic disorders.


Do detoxification without sugar for a few days. Start by removing white breads, pasta and cakes.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle, take the stairs, walk as much as possible, and exercise regularly.

2-      The stressed belly

In this type of belly, the fat is concentrated around the navel and the abdomen is firmer.

cause  :

When you stress, a hormone called cortisol comes to settle in your intestines. A study was conducted by Yale University in the United States to prove that this hormone is directly related to the stress and storage mechanism of abdominal fat distribution.


-Limit your caffeine intake (because it increases the secretion of cortisol in the body).

-Make a magnesium cure, a natural anti-stress as attested by a study.

-Try yoga, an anti-stress sport whose benefits are both physical and emotional.

– Sleep better. Poor sleep impacts the production of leptin, a hormone that balances appetite.

3-      The little  belly  :

This small belly is usually found in slender people but the lower part of the abdomen protrudes.

cause  :

This cute but annoying little belly is complicated to eradicate. It still remains, despite the physical exercises because it is about replacing unhealthy habits with a new lifestyle. The causes may be recent maternity, an unbalanced diet or deformation of the spine.


-Start by adopting a healthy diet, eat fiber.

-Do exercises targeting the central part of the body, work your abdominals.

4-      Mom’s belly:

cause  :

After pregnancy, the skin loses its elasticity, so the belly is soft and softened or can retain the appearance of pregnancy and does not clear quickly.


-Be patient, you have just given life to a baby! Your uterus needs a few months to retract and regain its usual size. According to a study it needs about 3 months to resume its usual size.

-Practice a physical activity (not intense) to stimulate and burn the fat by practicing exercises for the pelvis.

-Favor omega 3 (which helps burn fat) in your diet.

5-      The swollen belly:

cause  :

Swelling of the abdomen or bloating usually occurs after meals. Sign of a bad diet, this type of swelling is not to be taken lightly. This is one of the alarming symptoms of food allergies, or food intolerance in some cases. A lack of fiber or vitamin or mineral deficiencies can also be the cause.


-Make a follow-up of your diet and try to identify if any of the foods you consume cause you any discomfort.

-Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal.

-Come a probiotic food a day to help the bacteria in your intestines do their job.

– Avoid a hearty dinner in the evening and chew your food slowly

-Take a light physical activity such as walking.

– Hydrate yourself well.

We often seek to lose weight quickly, and we forget the basics of staying healthy. With these solutions, you are now able to accomplish both. In addition to these and for optimal results, keep a constant sleep pattern with a minimum of 7 hours of sleep per night and good regular physical activity.