Here are some signs that may indicate you’re giving too much of yourself without thinking enough about yourself
Caring for others is important, but there is a point where it can become self-destructive and cost you your own happiness.
Here are five signs you might be giving too much of yourself to others:
1. You don’t spend enough time taking care of yourself
When you devote all of your time to making sure others are happy, you probably don’t have the time for yourself. It is just as important to give yourself love and care as it is to take care of others. To be happy and thrive, you need some free time to relax, breathe, enjoy your hobbies, and recharge your batteries.
2. You attract people who are in need
Those in need or desperate are often looking for someone they can use to get what they want. When someone is kind and compassionate, they can see it as an opportunity.
Be careful not to become a doormat. Learn how to help them without sacrificing your own happiness. When a situation is too much to handle or someone asks too much of you, learn to step back and say no. Saying no is not mean or selfish, it is often necessary. The world needs kind and compassionate people, but don’t let others take advantage of your selfless qualities.
3. People take advantage of you
When you get into the habit of putting the needs of others before your own needs, people notice it. Your real friends won’t take advantage of your kindness, but your acquaintances won’t hesitate to. People around you might start to expect you to give in to whatever they want.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, or just don’t agree with someone else, you can say no.
4. You hide your true feelings
If you’re the only one feeling a certain thing, you keep your opinion to yourself. You are afraid of standing out in a group and of disagreeing with what other people think, because you fear that they will not like you if you voice your opinion.
Worrying too much about what other people think of you will eventually drive you crazy. You can’t make everyone like you no matter what you do. Be yourself, people will love you for who you are.
5. You put the needs of others before your own.
Only a truly selfless person is able to consistently put the needs of others before their own, but it can be the most exhausting part of being a caring person. It is easier for others to use you to move forward. Defining boundaries is extremely important. Make sure others don’t view your compassion as a weakness.